Saturday, December 31, 2022

2023: A Time and Season for Divine Restoration

As children of God, we must discern the seasons and times and know what to do in the times and seasons for favorable outcomes. As we enter 2023, the Lord is highlighting Joel 2:35-27 and Ecclesiastes 3 to me. The year 2023 is a season and time for divine restoration. Included below are three things I am perceiving about 2023 along with instructions for favorable outcomes. I believe these things will help us maximize this season of divine restoration.


1. Everything Has Its Time. Ecclesiastes 3:1-8. We are entering a new season- not just because we are entering a new year. God's timing is different from the Gregorian calendar. God's timing is different from humanity's timing. A season is a division of time based on conditions in the atmosphere which has its own characteristics and lasts for a defined period. The change in the seasons is brought about by a shift in the way God reveals Himself to humanity and the way the hosts of heaven interact with and relate to humanity. We are entering a kairos moment in God's timing. This is a kairos moment for divine restoration.

A. Repent for mishandling time and other resources. Ask God to consecrate your time and other resources. Ask God to remove wrinkles from your timeline and to mend those things which would cause you to lose and waste resources. Cry out to God to restore and replace the time that devouring spirits have eaten! Joel 2:25 Trust God to restore and replace all the resources that the enemy has stolen. 

B. Guard your time jealously. Invest your time, talent, and treasure wisely. Invest in yourself. Invest in your health and well-being. Invest in the eight dimensions of the whole person (emotional, physical, occupational, social, spiritual, intellectual, environmental, and financial) so that you may prosper and be in good health even as your soul prospers. 3 John 1:2 Jesus came that we might have life and life more abundantly. This is an opportune time to enjoy the zoe life that Jesus secured for us on the cross! The Lord is restoring you to divine health in every dimension of life- particularly spiritually. Set aside time to rest daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annually. Mark 4:37-38. Go on a personal spiritual retreat (time set apart with the Lord for renewal, direction, and fresh empowerment) at least once (ideally 2-3 times) in the year for a minimum of three days. Isaiah 40:27-31. 
C. Use chronos (sequential, quantitative time) to prepare for kairos (opportune moments). God is opening doors. Be ready to walk through these open doors!  This is a season of open doors. When I released this word at a ministry encounter in Atlanta, GA, USA December 26, I used the illustration of a musician practicing daily and being prepared for that "chance" encounter with a music industry influencer.  God is sending ministering angels to orchestrate your "big break." Put in the time to prepare yourself for open doors of opportunity.  
Get ready.  Stay ready. God is also restoring open doors.  There are doors that were open to you in past seasons, but for whatever reasons were closed.  God is bringing restoration.          

2. Focus on your God-given Tasks. Ecclesiastes 3:9-15. Be about the Father's Business. Luke 2:49; Luke 5:18-23. Do not be presumptuous about what the Father's business is. Do not waste time doing religious works based in tradition. Let all that you do in service unto the Lord be birthed out of the secret place. The Lord is restoring you vocationally in career, business, and ministry.
A. Ask God to restore you as as trees of righteousness as you serve as an ambassador (one who is mandated to protect the interest and integrity of one's leader and/or government) of the king of Kings and Lord of lords and the Kingdom of God. Proverbs 11:28; Numbers 24:6; Isaiah 61:3; Hosea 14:5–8; Psalm 1:3; Psalm 92:12; Isaiah 41: 17-20. There are seven trees listed in Isaiah 41:19.  These are cedar (excellence and perfection in God), acacia (regeneration, perseverance, and integrity), myrtle (abundance and fruitfulness), olive (peace, prosperity, beauty, and the relationship with God and His people), cypress (healing, uprightness, and eternal life) pine (victory and triumph of life over darkness), and box (abiding grace and God's perpetual presence). God is perfecting us, strengthening us to persevere, pruning us to be fruitful, ushering us into prosperity, inviting us into deeper intimacy with Him, healing us in every area of our lives, causing us to triumph over darkness and be victorious in spiritual warfare, and blessing us with another dimension of His abiding Presence.   

B. The Lord is restoring a "Doing Grace" to the Body of Christ (Romans 7:19) to do what we are called to do and become who we are called to be. God will pour out His Spirit in a greater measure on those who are poor in spirit. God will multiply favor and supernatural enablement to those who are clothed in humility and submissive to Him and those in authority over them. 1 Peter 5:5-6. Let go of religious and spiritual pride. Stop being self-protecting, self-defending and self-promoting. Be slow to speak, slow to anger, and quick to listen. Recognize your need for God in ALL things!
C. We shall be empowered in a greater measure by the Holy Spirit to walk with the Spirit of the Lord, the Spirit of Wisdom, the Spirit of Understanding, the Spirit of Counsel, the Spirit of Power, the Spirit of Knowledge, and the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord. Get ready to see the mighty works of God in the captivating Presence and glory of God.
Let your heart's cry be "Now, Lord do it again! Restore us to our former glory! May streams of your refreshing flow over us until our dry hearts are drenched again." Psalm 126:4. 
D. Seek revelation, understanding, and inspiration from the principles, promises, and prophecies of God found in Scripture. The Lord is restoring to you the joy of salvation .  Earnestly desire and endeavor to be blameless and do what is right. Ask for grace to demonstrate the character and nature of Jesus. Matthew 6:33.
E. Worship, pray and engage the Word through reading, studying, and meditating. Acts 6:4; 1 Timothy 4:15.  The Lord is birthing a hunger and zeal within you for His Word.  
F. Position yourself to be matured as sons of God through your intimate fellowship with the Holy Spirit. Romans 8:12-17, 19.
G. Invest in God-ordained relationships to the glory of God. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10. Trust God to restore and rebuild kingdom relationships which were broken due to offense and strife.  

3. The High Court of Heaven is being convened to issue verdicts which facilitate restorative justice. In Ecclesiastes 3:16-22 injustice seems to prevail.  But beloved, be assured God is not mocked! The chickens are coming to roost!! Galatians 6:7-8.  We will see restorative justice.  Offenders will be held accountable for their misconduct and make restitution to those they have harmed.  
A. Repent! Earnestly desire to have the gentle, lowly heart of Jesus. Matthew 11:29.
God will make an open display and put to shame that which has afflicted, humiliated, and oppressed God's people. Jesus made a public spectacle of the rulers and authorities of power of the kingdom of darkness. Colossians 2:15. The eternal truth of our victory as overcomers in Christ will be quite evident in this season. The numbers of salvations, deliverances, healings, restorations, miracles, signs, and wonders will increase exponentially.  The settings and circumstances around these occurrences will absolutely boggle our minds. The glory of God is being revealed in a greater dimension. We will see manifestations of salvation to the utmost.  

C. Verdicts of restorative justice will bring realignment to individuals, families, people groups, nations, and the Body of Christ.  Realignment is the action of changing or restoring something to a different or former position or state.  God is restoring us to the original blueprint of heaven for  His Glory and namesake.

As we enter this new year and new season, may God, the Fountain of hope, fill you to overflowing with uncontainable joy and perfect peace as you trust in him. And may the power of the Holy Spirit continually surround your life with his super-abundance until you radiate with hope! Romans 15:13




Thursday, November 24, 2022

Oh Give Thanks!

Happy Thanksgiving! Do you know that thanksgiving is a key of the Kingdom? The Key TO the Kingdom is Jesus. Once you're  IN the Kingdom the keys OF the Kingdom (also called principles) help you navigate through life, the Kingdom and the spirit realm. 

Having a heart of gratitude unlocks blessings and grants access to new dimensions (compartments and rooms within a level) and realms (higher levels).  

We (Believers) should all express gratitude in all things (regardless of our circumstances) by saying  thank you, having a grateful heart, and giving time, talent and/or treasure to express gratitude to God and others.

1 Chronicles 16:34; Amos 4:5; Jonah 2:9; Psalm 103:2-5; Luke 17:11-19; 1 Thessalonians 5:18; Rev 11:16-17

Thursday, October 27, 2022

God is Rich in Mercy

Many Believers experience a certain level of shame when they're faced with challenges. I believe that this is due to gaps in certain schools of thought within the Church. 

For example, in the Word of Faith school of thought there are huge gaps on the matter of theodicy. Theodicy looks at why God allows bad things to happen to God's people. In the Word of Faith school of thought if we name it, claim it, profess it, fast, pray, and do all the "right" things then we will prosper, be in good health and experience longevity. 

In the Word of Faith school of thought,  when something bad happens it must be due to personal sin, generational sin, lack of faith or spiritual laziness. In my view, this is a works- based , legalistic school of thought that has tried to reduce God to God's principles, promises and prophecies. Revelation about spiritual laws, spiritual technology, spiritual realms, spiritual dimensions, etc is by the MERCY of God. AND God is bigger than what God reveals to us. It is extremely PRIDEFUL to think we know ALL of the ways of God because God is merciful to reveal to us some of God's ways. 

God is Sovereign and allows death, disease, sickness, destruction, etc.  to occur. Sometimes this is due to personal sin or generational sin and iniquity. Under the Old Covenant God visits the sins of the fathers to the third and fourth generation. God's word tells us that God is rich in MERCY and extends MERCY to thousands and thousands of generations. Sometimes bad things happen to God's people for reasons we don't understand. Sometimes bad things happen to God's people so that God may be ultimately glorified. God is good, righteous and just- no matter what. 

Yes, examine yourself when faced with challenges. Ask God to reveal to you if you've violated a  principle. And give yourself grace. Cry out to God for mercy. Refuse to be gagged or muzzled by the enemy, life's challenges or a legalistic, work-based schools of thought that accuses victims of wrong-doing just as Jobs friends accused him.

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Thanksgiving Outreach in Memory of Mr. Stephen Bernard Bruce, Jr.

Grace and peace!

I trust you're well and greet you in the joy of the Lord. I'm reaching out to share news with you about an upcoming evangelism and outreach event. Thanksgiving meals will be provided to the community at noon, Saturday, November 19, 2022, at the Mary Alice Shipp Senior Center located at 710 W Price Street Sylvester, GA 31791.  This is our second annual event. Last year we served 173 hot meals and distributed food to 50+ senior citizens with a small budget of approximately $2500.

We'd like to serve more people this year AND win souls for Jesus. Attached are an event flyer and a postcard we will share as we distribute meals in the community.  Will you partner with us in this effort by making a donation, forwarding this information, and encouraging others to make a donation? You may donate via check, money order, Zelle (, or CashApp ($TGOutreachSBBJr).The mailing address for checks and money orders is New Willow Grove Baptist Church, c/o Deacon Willie Munford, 309 N Carter Rd Sylvester, GA 31791. Please include “Outreach” in the memo section of your check or money order, note section of CashApp or message section of Zelle.

To volunteer or get more information about the Thanksgiving Outreach event, please contact Mrs. Latecia Cheevers at (229) 206-2475 or Included below is information about the growing congregation that is coordinating the event.

New Willow Grove Baptist Church
333 Cotton Street
Poulan, GA 31781
Minister Tracy Cheevers, Pastor
Service Days/Times: Sunday School @ 10:15 am.
Church Service @ 11:15 am.
2nd & 4th Sundays

This is an appropriate way to remember Stephen, Jr.  because he had a heart for and reached out to the elderly, poor, homeless, and underserved communities. Due to his commitment to community service and volunteerism he was awarded a full-ride community service scholarship to Carson Newman College which is a small liberal arts Christian college in Jefferson, TN. It is noteworthy that the Biblical character Stephen is first mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles. He was one of seven deacons appointed by the Apostles to distribute food and charitable aid to poorer members of the community in the early church.

Stephen, Jr. is survived by a widow Ms. Keundra Wilson Bruce; two sons Asher Gregory Bruce and Beaux Hilton Bruce; parents Mr. Stephen (Mrs. LaKisha) Bruce, the Rev. Dr. Lyn Cheevers, and Mr. Anthony Branch; father-in-law Mr. Edward Wilson and mother-in-law Mrs. Tracey Wilson; grandparents Mr. Hilton and Pr. Mrs. Virginia Cheevers and Mrs. Mary Poindexter; four siblings; one sister-in-law; two brothers-in-law; six uncles; five aunts; four Godparents; many cousins; and several loving friends.

Stephen is sorely missed. I think of him daily- multiple times throughout each day. I look forward to seeing him again after my 100++ years here in earth.


Friday, September 23, 2022

We're Kings Kids

We are Kings kids!

God desires for us to prosper in every dimension of our lives and be in good health even as our souls prosper. Although I grew up with many nice things, as an adult there are certain material blessings I didn't think were for me. This was the case for many years.  There was a sense of unworthiness and even guilt about being blessed materially. 

I didn't buy my first luxury car until 2021 although I  could afford one approximately 15 years ago. I purchased the car after our son passed in 2020. This is when I truly realized that if we live to be 126 or 26 (like in our son's case), life is short. So I purchased a Mercedes Benz because you only live on this side of eternity once. We may as well enjoy  some tangible things during our "dash." I purchased a GLE 350 SUV April 16, 2021 for my 47th birthday which was April 18.  It is all white with tan interior. It's a beautiful car. I left it behind with my parents. Mommy was upgraded overnight. May it be our portion. In Jesus' name! (By the way, years ago she gave ME a prophetic word that someone would give ME a white Benz 🤔🤷🏽‍♀️...)

When I  initially bought the MB, I parked away from entrances when I went places so that people wouldn't see me getting out of it. I was ashamed of being so "extravagant, wasteful, and frivolous" when so many are suffering or in need. I'd made an "emotional" purchase, but still had not been delivered from a sense of unworthiness. Well I'm publicly declaring I've been delivered! And besides in hindsight this car isn't pricey. It's nice. I'm thankful. But it's not like I bought a Rolls Royce SUV,  private jet or fleet of jets!  🤔😂

Let me say it again. We are King's kids! We represent the Kingdom of Heaven. In the US Government there's a representational standard and budget for certain positions in the Foreign  Service. We're  assigned homes,  benefits, resources, salaries and representational budgets based on roles, responsibilities,  position, grade and rank so that we can represent the US Govt to foreign nations in a certain manner. Catch that! How much more so is this the case in the Kingdom of Heaven?  

I'm not saying every Believer will be wealthy, drive luxury cars and live in large homes. I'm not promoting an unbalanced prosperity gospel. I'm not saying to go into debt to "look the part." What I'm saying is we ALL have undiscovered inheritances in the Kingdom. We represent the Kingdom of Heaven. Let's represent  the King well in ALL things. Let's ask God for the grace to seek out our inheritances and then put them on full display as a testament of the goodness of God. This isn't just material or financial blessings. Whatever blessings are available to us, lets grab hold of them. I NEED a car here in Manila. My eyes are on God to bless me beyond my budget as I make the CASH purchase. I will represent the King in style!

**Note: This post isn't about the car. It's sbout our mindsets. If you missed that, please re-read the post.**

Friday, August 19, 2022

From the Pearl of the Orient to the Pearl of Africa!

God absolutely amazes me. I'm traveling to Uganda September 1-12 on an empowerment mission trip. I'm so grateful and excited. Let me tell you how God SUDDENLY orchestrated this in a matter of seven days...

August 5, I met with a friend in ministry. The man of God asked me "What's on your mind? What do you want to talk about today?" My response was "I'm having relationship challenges with an extended family member, experiencing  workplace chaos, and had a dark dream that I'm having difficulty interpreting. But I feel these are just distractions. So I'm open to engaging in this conversation however the Lord leads."

He said "The Lord is impressing on my heart to discuss your purpose and ministry assignments in this season! Yes, those things you mentioned are distractions. The enemy can't get at you directly. You've closed all doors long ago. So he'll do what he can to distract and discourage you." The man of God provided edification,  comfort, encouragement, strategy, and interpretation of the dream in 15 minutes or less. During the remaining 45 minutes or so he shared divine counsel concerning career, business  and ministry. It was a confirming word about the dreams, prophecies, and desires given to me by God over the past 12 years after birthing out a ministry in 2008. Learn more about the ministry-Beacon Talent Development, Inc. at

Exactly one week later August 12, I received an invitation to travel with a ministry team which will do what I've dreamed of, received words about, strongly desire to do,  and was highlighted as key areas of ministry for me in this season in the counseling  session Aug 5. 

I've never met the woman of God who extended the invitation to travel to Uganda to serve on the ministry team. One of her team members introduced us. I'm very familiar with and have ministered with several of the team members on prophetic teams, supernatural inner healing and deliverance teams,  and miracles teams at the Life Center in Dunwoody, GA USA. The team leader had been praying for someone to serve in a specific capacity on the team. When we were introduced,  God confirmed "This is the answer to your prayers." You may read more about the organizer of the mission trip here: 

Amazingly I've had an inner knowing since June that I'd travel somewhere the first week of September. Wasn't sure where or why.  Uganda for a mission  trip it is! As you know, I'm currently living and working in the Philippines which is commonly known by many as the Pearl of the Orient. After agreeing to travel to Uganda I learned that it is sometimes referred to as the Pearl of Africa!

"Historically, the Philippines was first dubbed as “Perla del Mar de Oriente” (Pearl of the Orient Seas) in 1751 by a Spanish Jesuit missionary, Father Juan J. Delgado. In 1896, our national hero, Dr. Jose P. Rizal, used the phrase referring to the Philippines in his last poem, "Mi ultimo adios." Then, the moniker also included in the revisions of the Philippine anthem in 1960." (Source: www

"During his tour in Uganda,  Winston Churchill actually became very inspired by what he found here and he wrote in his book that “For magnificence, for variety of form and color, for profusion of brilliant life — bird, insect, reptile, beast — for vast scale — Uganda is truly 'the Pearl of Africa.' (Source:

During our time in Uganda the team will:
1. Meet with leaders in the Seven Mountains of Culture- family, religion, education, media, entertainment, business, and government, to hear what's on their hearts and minds,  pray for them, and release the prophetic word of the Lord as led by the Holy Spirit. 
2. Distribute commodities and Christian Education materials. 
3. Be dispatched in teams of two to local churches to preach, teach, prophesy, pray, minister deliverance, and operate in other gifts of the Spirit as led, need dictates, and God gives grace. 
4. Facilitate seminars and workshops over a 5-day period in leadership skills,  ministry development, marriage and family, health and wellness, and entrepreneurship. 
5. Represent our King as emissaries, learn about the culture, and enjoy the beauty of the people and nation. 

Why am I sharing this testimony with you? I covet your prayers and intercession. Be encouraged. The steps of the righteousne are ordered by God. Jesus Christ  is our righteousness. The providence of God prevails in our lives. God's perfect timing for God's purposes and plans to manifest in our lives is always best. God makes provision for God's vision for our lives- including open doors, platforms and opportunities to serve. Rest in the Lord. No striving is required in the Kingdom. May God continue to bless you as you walk in the purposes and plans of God for your life. 


Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Safeguarding the Sanctity of Human Life

Human life is sacred. We must safeguard the sanctity of human life from unjust wars, modern-day lynchings in the form of police brutality, the arbitrary and discriminatory application of the death penalty, injustice,  oppression, trauma (including senseless gun violence), marginalization, and killings. 

In light of Roe v. Wade being overturned, many of us are discussing the question of "When does life begin for the unborn?" Many say life begins at conception. Others say life begins as the body of the fetus takes form allowing you to hear a heart beat. A few say life begins when the fetus is viable (can survive outside the uterus). This usually occurs around 24 weeks. This is when the fetus' lungs begin to produce surfactant, the substance that allows the air sacs in the lungs to inflate and deflate. John the Baptist was filled with the Holy Spirit en utero  at around this gestational age. 

Since a chief concern of pro-life advocates is safeguarding the sanctity of human life, perhaps a relevant question is "When did life begin for humanity?" Did it begin when God conceived the idea to create humanity (Genesis 1:26)? Did it begin as the body was being formed,  shaped and molded from the dust (Gen 1:27)? Or did it begin when God breathed into  the nostrils of God's creation the breath of life (Genesis 2:7)?

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Pursuing the Heart of God Through True Repentance

"My sacrifice [the sacrifice acceptable] to God is a broken spirit; a broken and a contrite heart [broken down with sorrow for sin and humbly and thoroughly penitent], such, O God, You will not despise." Psalm 51:17 AMPC

True repentance  attracts the favor of God and the blessings of heaven. Repentance is more than feeling guilty, being  convicted or being remorseful. It's more than saying you're sorry and asking for forgiveness. 

The Hebrew word for repentance is teshuva which is a derivative of a verb which means to return.  The Greek term for repentance is metanoia which means a change of mind, a reorientation,  a transformed worldview,  and a different perspective of self, God and others. 

You have no idea how much it pleases God and gives God  joy for you to REPENT. It "melts" God's heart. David pursued God's heart in this manner. God actively finds ways to reward, acknowledge and honor true repentance. 

When you change your heart, mind, and direction and are TRULY GRIEVED (not condemned) by past trangressions God not only rewards your obedience God CONSOLES your grief! God literally celebrates your coming to yourself and returning to God like the Father celebrated the prodigal son when he came back home.

Note: And for that religious one who says, oh wouldn't it have been better to not sin. The need for repentance isnt always about sin. Its about  beliefs and mindsets. The sinful behaviors are simply fruit of an ungodly root. And besides, all have sinned and fallen short of God's standards. Your heart sir/ma'am is like that of the prodigal son's brother.

Friday, June 3, 2022

When the Unthinkable Happens

"O ko ni mo saare omo e!" 

Friday, June 3, 2022, would've been our first born son Stephen's 28th birthday.  "O ko ni mo saare omo e" is a prayer, word of blessing, and declaration in the Yoruba language. It means you will not know the grave or burial site of your child. It is sometimes declared in faith and in other times presumption and superstition. This declaration can also make it "taboo"  for parents to publicly acknowledge the death of their child by attending wakes, funerals, burials, etc. 

This declaration is spoken in superstition when one who lacks revelation or authority believes it to be so just because he/she said so. It is spoken in presumption (and sometimes spiritual/religious pride) when you believe bad things won't happen to  you or your family just because of who you are in Christ and because God loves you. 

O ko ni mo saare omo e is declared in faith when you have a revelation of God and spiritual principles. It is declared in faith when you've addressed cycles of negative patterns that would allow such a thing to occur. It is declared in faith when you humbly acknowledge that you do not understand ALL the ways of God so you cry out for the mercy of God. It is declared in faith when you realize you and your ancestors were born in sin and shaped in iniquity so you kneel before the mercy seat of God and ask to be wrapped in the protective wings of the cherubim. It is declared in faith  when you know God is able and willing and like Meshach, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego have decided to trust and obey God no matter what outcome God permits (Daniel 3:16-18).

My father is a Yoruba man by DNA and amazingly in some ways by tradition and culture. His great grandfather was stolen from Ogun State and taken to Jekyll Island on the Slave Ship the Wanderer in 1858. Daddy doesn't speak the language,  doesn't eat the food, and has never visited Yorubaland. Yet,  he did not attend Stephen's funeral and didn't "touch" the funeral arrangements. He doesn't know where the burial site is and rarely speaks of Stephen. This is what he has decided is needed for his healing process. We respect and honor that. 

What is needed for my healing is different from what daddy needs.  I was involved in planning. I saw the body. I attended the funeral. I talk, write, and journal about Stephen. And I talk about the loss because I understand that someone can be delivered from presumption and superstition through my transparently sharing my journey to healing. When EVIL men KILLED Emmitt Till and MUTILATED his body, his mom didn't allow the mortician to "touch up" his face.  She insisted on an OPEN casket funeral so that others would SEE and KNOW the TRUTH. Beloved, KNOW the TRUTH. The TRUTH shall be your Shield and Buckler Who keeps you. 

Why am I sharing? Don't religiously declare anything out of superstition.  Ask God for REVELATION to TRULY live VICTORIOUSLY over sin, death and the grave. Know that NOTHING seperates you from God's love. God loves you even when God ALLOWS the unthinkable to happen. Bad things can and do happen to God's people (for example Job and the man born blind in John 9). When the unthinkable happens,  don't let tradition dictate your response.  

When the unthinkable happens,  do as led by the Holy Spirit. Those who are led by God's Spirit (not traditional, cultural, religious norms) are God's sons/children. Do what is needed for your deliverance, healing, and restoration. Get a specialized/individualized prescription from the Lord. Follow God's plan for your life. Ask God to show you how to glorify Him even in the midst of the unthinkable.

Friday, May 6, 2022

Pro-Choice, Pro-Birth or Pro-Life?

As a womanist theologian, my views on abortion, Roe v. Wade, and reproductive rights likely offend  those who are pro-choice as well as those who are so-called pro-life. My intersectional perspective doesn't fit neatly into a political,  ideological, social, or religious box. 

Womanist theology is a methodical approach to theology which is centered on  Black women's  experiences with and perspectives of God. It considers the intersectionality of religion, race, ancestry, national origin, ethnicity, color, sex (including gender, sexual orientation, and gender identity) and class.

As a womanist theologian, I believe that most so-called pro-lifers are HYPOCRITES. They're not pro-life. They're pro-birth and simply want to control the reproductive rights of women. I'm pro-life in that I do not support the shedding of innocent blood. 

I believe examples of shedding of innocent blood include: 
1. Taking human lives in  unjust wars
 2. Abuse of power by police and those in authority which results in deaths of persons who have not been charged, tried,  convicted, and sentenced to the death penalty 
3. The disparate use of the death penalty based on classism, racism, sexism, colorism, and other forms of discrimination 
4.  Killing of the unborn who've reached the age of viability when its not medically necessary to preserve the life of the mother

I'm outraged by the supreme court leak. I feel its an attempt to sway the decision of the Court. I suppprt overturning Roe v. Wade (primarily because  it doesn't outlaw late term abortions). However, I believe women should have access to  early term abortions primarily because of my care and concern about the health,  safety and well-being of women in the margins of our society. We can't go back to the back alley butcher shops. 

And it is important to note abortion has been used as a form of eugenics in  the black  community (see Margaret Sanger and the foundations of Planned Parenthood). It is also notable that now that there's a relatively low birthrate among specific segments of the population, the court is considering overturning the 1974 Roe v. Wade decision (Roe v. Wade: My Thoughts, 2022). 

Bottom line: Abortion should be safe, legal at any stage in every state when medically necessary to preserve life, legal at 23 weeks or less in any case for whatever reason in as many states whose voters support it, free when medically necessary to preserve life, affordable when making choices to exercise reproductive rights, treated as murder at 24 weeks or later when not medically necessary to preserve life, and UNCOMMON!

Reference: Cheray James, May 5, 2022, "Roe v. Wade:My Thoughts ," retrieved May 6, 2021 from Facebook.

Saturday, April 30, 2022

The Spiritual Reality of Curses

Most western Believers will disagree with what I'm about to say due to their intellectual pride, secular humanism and lack of spirituality. We know biblical principles, promises and prophesies. But many of us do not understand how to apply these things to navigate in the realm of the spirit. Whereas in some cultures there's  hyper-spirituality which negates the efficacy of one's power, authority and the reality of the dimensions and degrees  of self-determination delegated to humanity. There must be a balance! Somewhere between irrational  superstition and intellectual humanism lies metaphysical reality. With this understanding may I say to you in love with all sincerity that Believers can be cursed! The teaching that a Believer cannot be cursed is a lie. It's erroneous. It's false. 

The classic indication of a curse is a pattern. These patterns seemingly veto one's prayer life. They seemingly veto spiritual activities. These patterns will continue until that which set the ripple effect into motion is addressed. That which set the ripple effect  in motion could've occurred many generations before one's birth. That which set the pattern in motion is an abomination which defiled time, land, community (bloodline and other familial-like relationships), birthright or offices (in career,  business and/or ministry).

Being cursed has nothing to do with salvation. One can be saved, indwelled with God's Spirit, infilled with God's Spirit, bear fruit of the Spirit,  operate in the gifts of the Spirit,  live Holy, be heaven bound AND see these negative patterns manifest.

Examples of these patterns that are seen in individuals,  families, nations, territories,  regions, etc. are barrenness (in any form), premature death (in any form), patterns of divorce in a family,  addictions, generational poverty, generation after generation born outside of wedlock, useless men while the women dominate and excel, extended periods of joblessness, chronic sicknesses and disease, etc. ANY pattern that is not  an indication of the blessings of God is an indication of a CURSE!

If you dont believe a Christian can be cursed consider this. It's foolishness to continue doing the same thing expecting different results- right? You accepted Jesus. You're fasting, praying, living holy, doing all you know to be the right thing. And yet you STILL see negative patterns in your life, family or community. Do you believe that God is wicked an unjust to allow these patterns without just cause?  God is Righteous. God is Just. God honors God's word even about God's name. Somehow,  somewhere someone connected to you in some way has violated the word, will and ways of God. 

Will it  hurt you or cost you anything to take this matter to the Lord in prayer and ask God to show you what is the root cause of that negative pattern? If I'm wrong you lose nothing- right? But if you're wrong the pattern will continue. And this could make the difference between life and death.

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Honoring Mom

As we approach Mother's Day, May 8 let's give honor to the mothers who God used to shape and mold us.  Biologically speaking we only have one mother of course. Yet I  recognize that I am who I am because of the impartations and deposits of the graces from SEVERAL women. So I have SEVERAL "moms."  To name a few SIGNIFICANT women in my life,  there's my St. Philip AME Church mom who also earned a Doctor of Education. She's hilarious, a straight, sharp shooter and seer.  

There's my  AME mom who was my first pastor after I  rededicated my life to the Lord. Her name is listed in record books. She's been used mightily by God. She's accomplished professionally and academically. Yet she is so meek and humble. She has a heart of gold, a powerful evangelistic grace and glory-filled healing ministry. There's my Ghanaian mom who is hospitable, joyful, gracious, giving, and kind. My Yoruba (Southwest Nigeria) mom who has the grace to regularly fast (water only) for 40 days or more at a time (she refers to times of fasting and intense prayer as being on the Prayer Mountain) , is a powerful intercessor and worship leader. 

There's my Igbo (Southeast Nigeria) mom who is also my mother in the Lord. If I've prayed for you, if God added to your family through my prayers, ministry and/or intercession, if I've ministered deliverance to you,  ministered the prophetic word of the Lord to you, rebuked you, rolled up on you out of the blue when you were out of order 😂, counseled you- especially in relationships or ministered inner healing to you-  these are SOME of the MANY graces imparted to me through her beginning in 2008 that have been watered by others over the years. If led, you may sow into Ap. Dr. Joy Ibe's ministry. She and her ministry are EXCELLENT ground in which to sow. 🙏🏾 There's my Jewish mom who is wise, industrious, skillful and frugal.  

There's my grandma Pearl mom who was a prayerful Titus 2 mother in her family, church, and community. And of course there's my mom mom Pr. Mrs. Virginia Cheevers who never ceases to pray for me. Why am I sharing? Honoring ALL of these women of God as mothers does NOT dishonor any ONE of them. Give honor where honor is due. There's enough HONOR and LOVE to go around. What mothers can you intentionally extend honor to today?

Friday, April 15, 2022

The Resurrection

Indeed God is doing a new thing. God is raising up a company of firebrand preachers who like John the Baptist will be used to usher us into a new dispensation of an outpouring of God's Spirit. These ones will uncompromisingly declare what thus saith the Lord. 

As righteousness is being restored the realignment and reckoning will cause a shaking and shifting in world systems. Everything that can be shaken will be shaken. Don't fret. Have no fear during the dark, trying times. When there's a casting down, God will promote God's chosen ones. When there's scarcity, God will provide for God's elect. When there's death, disease and destruction, God will protect God's children. 

The circumstances around you will serve as a backdrop for the glory of God to be revealed in the earth. The stage is being set for you to shine brightly in the spaces and places into which you've been called. You will show up in the Power, Presence, and Personhood of the King of kings and Lord of lords. You will shine like the Son of Man into the darkness. 

A clarion call is being released into the atmosphere. Sons of God, arise!  Prepare! Pray! Praise! Preach! Prophesy! As you function as kings and priests in your assigned places of duty, honor is being restored to the offices which you occupy in the earth. Honor is being restored to the House of Prayer. The Body is being fitly jointed together to function as she should. The dry bones of the Church  are being revived and restored. She is being empowered and positioned for the days of the harvest. Yes, the fields are white for harvest.

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Are you pitiful or powerful?

Ok, so clearly I've been exposed to quite a bit of Ibgo (Nigerian) culture. I just read something that's shocking, sad, and very grievous. 😭  Instead of crying out "Lord have mercy" or "Oh my God" in English, I loudly and audibly cried out "Chineke" in Igbo!

God is so good that He used that to make me laugh at myself in the moment. The Black American of Yoruba (Nigerian), Ewe (Ghanaian), and British descent who only speaks English crying out in Igbo? Make it make sense. 🤷🏽‍♀️😅 Laughter is good medicine. 

I'm going to earnestly pray for all those impacted by the tragedy AND I'm thankful that God made me smile, shifted my mindset, and positioned me to pray from a place of victory and compassion instead of a place of defeat and pity. Those impacted by this tragedy need the power of God to comfort them- not my pity and sorrow alone. 🙏🏾

We can't be pitiful (only feel sorrowful without taking appropriate actions) and powerful (led by and operating in the Holy Ghost) at the same time. Pity is not compassion. Pity stops at "Oh I feel badly for you." Compassion feels badly and is aroused to do something to alleviate the pain and suffering of others. Praying from a place of victory and compassion addresses a need. 🙌🏽 And there are other things which can be done for the family. 

We must choose to rely upon the dunamis power within us even in the face of loss, tragedy and suffering to be who God has called us to be and take appropriate actions. Remember,  we are cast down, but unconquered (2 cor 4:7-15)!!💪🏽

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Word of the Lord for Nations and Government February 2022

Word of the Lord for Nations and Government February 2022

As I sought the Lord concerning a word for nations and government for February 2022 it was revealed to me that February 2022 is a Key Month for Intercession. The King of Glory has extended His scepter of favor in a greater measure to intercessors assigned to pray for nations and governments particularly intercessors assigned to the US, Ukraine and the Underground Church in China.


As I was praying concerning nations and government, I heard three things:

  1. The next US Supreme Court Justice will have a Damascus Road experience.
  2. The Sleeping Bear has awakened and will rush the nations.  
  3. Evil decrees of the Chinese government against the the Underground Church have been revoked.

 United States

The next US Supreme Court Justice who will be nominated by the US President and confirmed by the US Senate will have a Damascus Road experience. As prophetic intercessors remain on the wall, ascend My hill, and come before Me with clean hands and pure hearts, I will visit the Supreme Court Justice. This visitation will be a life changing experience by which this one who has vehemently fought for a liberal, humanistic agenda will be transformed into My child who is filled with My Spirit and led by My Spirit.

The Justice who will fill Justice Breyer’s seat will humbly surrender to Me. This Justice will begin to operate in the gifts of My Spirit especially discerning of spirits. This Justice will be so yielded to My Spirit that the Justice will not hear or decide on any cases without coming to Me to ask for instructions by saying to Me Lord, show me what you want me to do.

The next Justice appointed to the Supreme Court will be My friend, a friend of My people and will be friendly toward My purposes and plans. This Justice will be a friend and ally to those who have seen the current administration as a foe. I am setting this Justice in place as a sign and wonder to point others to Me. The rights of the unborn will be protected. Tyrannical mandates will be overturned. Victims’ rights in cases involving capital punishment will be safeguarded.

Stay on the wall intercessors. Seek My face. Rest in My Presence. As you do so, I will reveal to you My desires concerning the nations so that you may pray according to My heart and mind. As you co-labor with heaven through prayer, My will shall be done in earth as it is in heaven concerning the US Supreme Court and the nation at large.  My peace will rest upon you. 


As I was praying concerning Ukraine I heard “the sleeping bear has awakened and will rush the nations” and that I should ask my son who played football what this means. What he shared with me is when he played football as a linebacker, they would rush the quarterback to sack him before he could pass the ball. Then the Holy Spirit reminded me that “sack" is a military term which means the destruction and looting of a city or nation. [Looting is the act of stealing, or the taking of goods by force, typically in the midst of a military, political, or other social crisis, such as war, natural disasters, or rioting. The proceeds of all these activities can be described as booty, loot, plunder, spoils, or pillage.]

Thus, saith the Lord, Although Russia was awakened sometime ago and has rushed and will continue to rush the territories which were once under its control it will not succeed in its efforts to sack Ukraine. It is not by might nor by power, but it is by My Spirit, that Ukraine will stand its ground and frustrate the plans of Russia. It is through the intercession of the saints that Ukraine will prevail.

As the prayers of the righteous come before me I am dispatching angelic assistance to Ukraine. The hosts of heaven have been made ready and are warring over Ukraine in the heavenlies. As you boldly come before My throne of grace making your petitions known concerning Ukraine, she will receive mercy and find grace. Judgements are being issued in favor of Ukraine in the courts of heaven.

Russia will be disappointed with the outcome of its rush on Ukraine as it will not get sack.  Russia will even begin pointing fingers at other nations including Israel to blame for their failure.  The tightrope walk of Russian-Israeli relations will grow cold.  As tensions rise between Russia and Israel and nations aligned with the U.S., Russia shall know that it was not Israel but the God of Israel which thwarted their plans against Ukraine.    


Evil decrees of the Chinese government against the Underground Church have been revoked. Although the laws of the Chinese government have brought about death, calamity and destruction.    The prayers of the saints in the underground Church in China and those of the intercessors who pray for her have come before me.   I have issued decrees concerning the Church in China which bring life, peace and upliftment to the Church in China.

I am frustrating the plans of the Chinese Military Civil Fusion and bringing an end to the espionage, cyber-attacks, bio terrorism and wicked schemes of the Chinese government.  The Chinese government, military and economy will suffer.  Within the next 30 days you will see a blow to its economy which will create crippling ripple effects throughout every area of society.  This will be a sign to you that I am setting the stage for the Exodus of my Church to come out of hiding and the bondage of brutality and fear.

And as my Church arises from the underground she will shine brightly.  While her suffering has grieved Me all things work together for the good of my purposes and plans. What the enemy meant for evil is working out in the favor of the Underground Church.  The suffering has produced endurance, and endurance character, and character hope, and I will not disappoint my people. My Spirit has been poured into the hearts of My Church in China and she will do great and mighty exploits to the glory of My name. 

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Have You Despised Your Birthright?

Malachi 1:1-5 is very perplexing.  God is recorded as abhorring or hating Esau.  What would cause a loving, kind, and benevolent God to abhor anyone?  After studying the scriptures and looking at Malachi 1:1-5 in context it was revealed to me that God loving Jacob and hating Esau has nothing to do with the human emotions of love and hate. God chose one man and his descendants and rejected another man and his descendants.  But why?  Why did God reject Esau?

Perhaps we can find answers by studying Esau’s life.  One critical choice Esau made was to despise his birthright in Genesis 25:32-34.  To despise something means to feel contempt or a deep repugnance for it.  To hold something in contempt means to have a lack of respect or reverence for it.  Esau had a lack of respect or reverence for his birthright. He had a lack of respect or reverence for the giver of the birthright.  Ultimately God is the giver of the birthright.    

A birthright is something to which a person is entitled by the mere fact of his or her birth, birth order, citizenship or belonging/ connectedness to a family, community, nation or people group. These may include rights of citizenship based on the place where the person was born or the citizenship of their parents, and inheritance rights to property owned by parents or others.

As Believers we are heirs of God and joint heirs with Jesus Christ.  We have an inheritance through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Our birthright includes salvation, deliverance, healing, and restoration and so much more.  The Word of God includes promises, principles and prophecies which are our birthright.  God has given us spiritual gifts, natural talents and the ability to develop skills as a birthright. We have a birthright as citizens of the Kingdoms of Heaven and God. 

Have you despised your birthright? God forbid!  May this never be your portion. But the sad reality is many Believers have despised their birthright.  How? You may ask.  Many have despised their birthright through lack of focus, lack of discipline, lack of accountability, lack of faith, and lack of humility.

As we embark upon the New Year, I encourage you to ask forgiveness for despising your birthright, repent, cleanse your birthright, and consecrate your birthright anew to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Please check out a short teaching I recently did on the subject matter.  I rounded out the teaching with prayers.  Remain blessed!

Link to teaching:

In His name,

Dr. Lyn   

Monday, January 3, 2022

Contending for Your Birthright Blessings

Two of the things that  can kill a person's hopes,  dreams,  ambition, career,  business or ministry are envy and jealousy.

Envy means discontented longing for someone else's advantages. Jealousy means unpleasant suspicion, or apprehension of rivalship. These bloody, murderous spirits often manifest when one is stepping into or walking in their birthright.

Envy was the root cause of the first recorded murder in the Bible. Cain was envious of Abel's favor with God and murdered him.  The Philistines were jealous of Issac's wealth and denied him his inheritance by stopping up the wells his father Abraham had dug. The religious leaders were envious and jealous of Jesus so they crucified him.

Beloved this is a year many of you will glorify God by walking in your birthright in a greater measure. You will offend many- even those close to you. You will even offend men and women of God.  Pray for wisdom. All of these people aren't evil. You'll need to  cut off unrepentant ones and distance yourself from those God will deal with over time and eventually  bring to repentance. In some cases you'll also continue to walk closely with some but you won't be able to share certain things with them. In all three cases YOU MUST LOVE. And remember ALL things work together for the good of those who love the Lord and are called according to God's purposes. God can use these firey trials to refine your character.

Like Jesus, your envious, jealous haters can cause you to suffer loss. But God can use the challenging circumstances to launch you into your destiny in a greater measure and get even more glory from your life.

So take heart when character assassins and slanderous people rise against you because of your walking in your birthright of favor, wealth,  power and influence. Whoever slanders his neighbor secretly  God will destroy. People will give account for every careless word they speak. Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you on account of your walking in your birthright.