Friday, August 19, 2022

From the Pearl of the Orient to the Pearl of Africa!

God absolutely amazes me. I'm traveling to Uganda September 1-12 on an empowerment mission trip. I'm so grateful and excited. Let me tell you how God SUDDENLY orchestrated this in a matter of seven days...

August 5, I met with a friend in ministry. The man of God asked me "What's on your mind? What do you want to talk about today?" My response was "I'm having relationship challenges with an extended family member, experiencing  workplace chaos, and had a dark dream that I'm having difficulty interpreting. But I feel these are just distractions. So I'm open to engaging in this conversation however the Lord leads."

He said "The Lord is impressing on my heart to discuss your purpose and ministry assignments in this season! Yes, those things you mentioned are distractions. The enemy can't get at you directly. You've closed all doors long ago. So he'll do what he can to distract and discourage you." The man of God provided edification,  comfort, encouragement, strategy, and interpretation of the dream in 15 minutes or less. During the remaining 45 minutes or so he shared divine counsel concerning career, business  and ministry. It was a confirming word about the dreams, prophecies, and desires given to me by God over the past 12 years after birthing out a ministry in 2008. Learn more about the ministry-Beacon Talent Development, Inc. at

Exactly one week later August 12, I received an invitation to travel with a ministry team which will do what I've dreamed of, received words about, strongly desire to do,  and was highlighted as key areas of ministry for me in this season in the counseling  session Aug 5. 

I've never met the woman of God who extended the invitation to travel to Uganda to serve on the ministry team. One of her team members introduced us. I'm very familiar with and have ministered with several of the team members on prophetic teams, supernatural inner healing and deliverance teams,  and miracles teams at the Life Center in Dunwoody, GA USA. The team leader had been praying for someone to serve in a specific capacity on the team. When we were introduced,  God confirmed "This is the answer to your prayers." You may read more about the organizer of the mission trip here: 

Amazingly I've had an inner knowing since June that I'd travel somewhere the first week of September. Wasn't sure where or why.  Uganda for a mission  trip it is! As you know, I'm currently living and working in the Philippines which is commonly known by many as the Pearl of the Orient. After agreeing to travel to Uganda I learned that it is sometimes referred to as the Pearl of Africa!

"Historically, the Philippines was first dubbed as “Perla del Mar de Oriente” (Pearl of the Orient Seas) in 1751 by a Spanish Jesuit missionary, Father Juan J. Delgado. In 1896, our national hero, Dr. Jose P. Rizal, used the phrase referring to the Philippines in his last poem, "Mi ultimo adios." Then, the moniker also included in the revisions of the Philippine anthem in 1960." (Source: www

"During his tour in Uganda,  Winston Churchill actually became very inspired by what he found here and he wrote in his book that “For magnificence, for variety of form and color, for profusion of brilliant life — bird, insect, reptile, beast — for vast scale — Uganda is truly 'the Pearl of Africa.' (Source:

During our time in Uganda the team will:
1. Meet with leaders in the Seven Mountains of Culture- family, religion, education, media, entertainment, business, and government, to hear what's on their hearts and minds,  pray for them, and release the prophetic word of the Lord as led by the Holy Spirit. 
2. Distribute commodities and Christian Education materials. 
3. Be dispatched in teams of two to local churches to preach, teach, prophesy, pray, minister deliverance, and operate in other gifts of the Spirit as led, need dictates, and God gives grace. 
4. Facilitate seminars and workshops over a 5-day period in leadership skills,  ministry development, marriage and family, health and wellness, and entrepreneurship. 
5. Represent our King as emissaries, learn about the culture, and enjoy the beauty of the people and nation. 

Why am I sharing this testimony with you? I covet your prayers and intercession. Be encouraged. The steps of the righteousne are ordered by God. Jesus Christ  is our righteousness. The providence of God prevails in our lives. God's perfect timing for God's purposes and plans to manifest in our lives is always best. God makes provision for God's vision for our lives- including open doors, platforms and opportunities to serve. Rest in the Lord. No striving is required in the Kingdom. May God continue to bless you as you walk in the purposes and plans of God for your life. 


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