Friday, September 23, 2022

We're Kings Kids

We are Kings kids!

God desires for us to prosper in every dimension of our lives and be in good health even as our souls prosper. Although I grew up with many nice things, as an adult there are certain material blessings I didn't think were for me. This was the case for many years.  There was a sense of unworthiness and even guilt about being blessed materially. 

I didn't buy my first luxury car until 2021 although I  could afford one approximately 15 years ago. I purchased the car after our son passed in 2020. This is when I truly realized that if we live to be 126 or 26 (like in our son's case), life is short. So I purchased a Mercedes Benz because you only live on this side of eternity once. We may as well enjoy  some tangible things during our "dash." I purchased a GLE 350 SUV April 16, 2021 for my 47th birthday which was April 18.  It is all white with tan interior. It's a beautiful car. I left it behind with my parents. Mommy was upgraded overnight. May it be our portion. In Jesus' name! (By the way, years ago she gave ME a prophetic word that someone would give ME a white Benz 🤔🤷🏽‍♀️...)

When I  initially bought the MB, I parked away from entrances when I went places so that people wouldn't see me getting out of it. I was ashamed of being so "extravagant, wasteful, and frivolous" when so many are suffering or in need. I'd made an "emotional" purchase, but still had not been delivered from a sense of unworthiness. Well I'm publicly declaring I've been delivered! And besides in hindsight this car isn't pricey. It's nice. I'm thankful. But it's not like I bought a Rolls Royce SUV,  private jet or fleet of jets!  🤔😂

Let me say it again. We are King's kids! We represent the Kingdom of Heaven. In the US Government there's a representational standard and budget for certain positions in the Foreign  Service. We're  assigned homes,  benefits, resources, salaries and representational budgets based on roles, responsibilities,  position, grade and rank so that we can represent the US Govt to foreign nations in a certain manner. Catch that! How much more so is this the case in the Kingdom of Heaven?  

I'm not saying every Believer will be wealthy, drive luxury cars and live in large homes. I'm not promoting an unbalanced prosperity gospel. I'm not saying to go into debt to "look the part." What I'm saying is we ALL have undiscovered inheritances in the Kingdom. We represent the Kingdom of Heaven. Let's represent  the King well in ALL things. Let's ask God for the grace to seek out our inheritances and then put them on full display as a testament of the goodness of God. This isn't just material or financial blessings. Whatever blessings are available to us, lets grab hold of them. I NEED a car here in Manila. My eyes are on God to bless me beyond my budget as I make the CASH purchase. I will represent the King in style!

**Note: This post isn't about the car. It's sbout our mindsets. If you missed that, please re-read the post.**

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