Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Have You Despised Your Birthright?

Malachi 1:1-5 is very perplexing.  God is recorded as abhorring or hating Esau.  What would cause a loving, kind, and benevolent God to abhor anyone?  After studying the scriptures and looking at Malachi 1:1-5 in context it was revealed to me that God loving Jacob and hating Esau has nothing to do with the human emotions of love and hate. God chose one man and his descendants and rejected another man and his descendants.  But why?  Why did God reject Esau?

Perhaps we can find answers by studying Esau’s life.  One critical choice Esau made was to despise his birthright in Genesis 25:32-34.  To despise something means to feel contempt or a deep repugnance for it.  To hold something in contempt means to have a lack of respect or reverence for it.  Esau had a lack of respect or reverence for his birthright. He had a lack of respect or reverence for the giver of the birthright.  Ultimately God is the giver of the birthright.    

A birthright is something to which a person is entitled by the mere fact of his or her birth, birth order, citizenship or belonging/ connectedness to a family, community, nation or people group. These may include rights of citizenship based on the place where the person was born or the citizenship of their parents, and inheritance rights to property owned by parents or others.

As Believers we are heirs of God and joint heirs with Jesus Christ.  We have an inheritance through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Our birthright includes salvation, deliverance, healing, and restoration and so much more.  The Word of God includes promises, principles and prophecies which are our birthright.  God has given us spiritual gifts, natural talents and the ability to develop skills as a birthright. We have a birthright as citizens of the Kingdoms of Heaven and God. 

Have you despised your birthright? God forbid!  May this never be your portion. But the sad reality is many Believers have despised their birthright.  How? You may ask.  Many have despised their birthright through lack of focus, lack of discipline, lack of accountability, lack of faith, and lack of humility.

As we embark upon the New Year, I encourage you to ask forgiveness for despising your birthright, repent, cleanse your birthright, and consecrate your birthright anew to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Please check out a short teaching I recently did on the subject matter.  I rounded out the teaching with prayers.  Remain blessed!

Link to teaching: https://youtu.be/5jcoZ6U6AoM.

In His name,

Dr. Lyn   

1 comment:

  1. I saw myself in each of the 5 ways of despising my birthright. I thank God for this teaching and my auntie for teaching it. Now I have work to do accepting all of my birthright. To God be the glory!Amen
