Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Word of the Lord for Nations and Government February 2022

Word of the Lord for Nations and Government February 2022

As I sought the Lord concerning a word for nations and government for February 2022 it was revealed to me that February 2022 is a Key Month for Intercession. The King of Glory has extended His scepter of favor in a greater measure to intercessors assigned to pray for nations and governments particularly intercessors assigned to the US, Ukraine and the Underground Church in China.


As I was praying concerning nations and government, I heard three things:

  1. The next US Supreme Court Justice will have a Damascus Road experience.
  2. The Sleeping Bear has awakened and will rush the nations.  
  3. Evil decrees of the Chinese government against the the Underground Church have been revoked.

 United States

The next US Supreme Court Justice who will be nominated by the US President and confirmed by the US Senate will have a Damascus Road experience. As prophetic intercessors remain on the wall, ascend My hill, and come before Me with clean hands and pure hearts, I will visit the Supreme Court Justice. This visitation will be a life changing experience by which this one who has vehemently fought for a liberal, humanistic agenda will be transformed into My child who is filled with My Spirit and led by My Spirit.

The Justice who will fill Justice Breyer’s seat will humbly surrender to Me. This Justice will begin to operate in the gifts of My Spirit especially discerning of spirits. This Justice will be so yielded to My Spirit that the Justice will not hear or decide on any cases without coming to Me to ask for instructions by saying to Me Lord, show me what you want me to do.

The next Justice appointed to the Supreme Court will be My friend, a friend of My people and will be friendly toward My purposes and plans. This Justice will be a friend and ally to those who have seen the current administration as a foe. I am setting this Justice in place as a sign and wonder to point others to Me. The rights of the unborn will be protected. Tyrannical mandates will be overturned. Victims’ rights in cases involving capital punishment will be safeguarded.

Stay on the wall intercessors. Seek My face. Rest in My Presence. As you do so, I will reveal to you My desires concerning the nations so that you may pray according to My heart and mind. As you co-labor with heaven through prayer, My will shall be done in earth as it is in heaven concerning the US Supreme Court and the nation at large.  My peace will rest upon you. 


As I was praying concerning Ukraine I heard “the sleeping bear has awakened and will rush the nations” and that I should ask my son who played football what this means. What he shared with me is when he played football as a linebacker, they would rush the quarterback to sack him before he could pass the ball. Then the Holy Spirit reminded me that “sack" is a military term which means the destruction and looting of a city or nation. [Looting is the act of stealing, or the taking of goods by force, typically in the midst of a military, political, or other social crisis, such as war, natural disasters, or rioting. The proceeds of all these activities can be described as booty, loot, plunder, spoils, or pillage.]

Thus, saith the Lord, Although Russia was awakened sometime ago and has rushed and will continue to rush the territories which were once under its control it will not succeed in its efforts to sack Ukraine. It is not by might nor by power, but it is by My Spirit, that Ukraine will stand its ground and frustrate the plans of Russia. It is through the intercession of the saints that Ukraine will prevail.

As the prayers of the righteous come before me I am dispatching angelic assistance to Ukraine. The hosts of heaven have been made ready and are warring over Ukraine in the heavenlies. As you boldly come before My throne of grace making your petitions known concerning Ukraine, she will receive mercy and find grace. Judgements are being issued in favor of Ukraine in the courts of heaven.

Russia will be disappointed with the outcome of its rush on Ukraine as it will not get sack.  Russia will even begin pointing fingers at other nations including Israel to blame for their failure.  The tightrope walk of Russian-Israeli relations will grow cold.  As tensions rise between Russia and Israel and nations aligned with the U.S., Russia shall know that it was not Israel but the God of Israel which thwarted their plans against Ukraine.    


Evil decrees of the Chinese government against the Underground Church have been revoked. Although the laws of the Chinese government have brought about death, calamity and destruction.    The prayers of the saints in the underground Church in China and those of the intercessors who pray for her have come before me.   I have issued decrees concerning the Church in China which bring life, peace and upliftment to the Church in China.

I am frustrating the plans of the Chinese Military Civil Fusion and bringing an end to the espionage, cyber-attacks, bio terrorism and wicked schemes of the Chinese government.  The Chinese government, military and economy will suffer.  Within the next 30 days you will see a blow to its economy which will create crippling ripple effects throughout every area of society.  This will be a sign to you that I am setting the stage for the Exodus of my Church to come out of hiding and the bondage of brutality and fear.

And as my Church arises from the underground she will shine brightly.  While her suffering has grieved Me all things work together for the good of my purposes and plans. What the enemy meant for evil is working out in the favor of the Underground Church.  The suffering has produced endurance, and endurance character, and character hope, and I will not disappoint my people. My Spirit has been poured into the hearts of My Church in China and she will do great and mighty exploits to the glory of My name. 

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