Thursday, February 17, 2022

Are you pitiful or powerful?

Ok, so clearly I've been exposed to quite a bit of Ibgo (Nigerian) culture. I just read something that's shocking, sad, and very grievous. 😭  Instead of crying out "Lord have mercy" or "Oh my God" in English, I loudly and audibly cried out "Chineke" in Igbo!

God is so good that He used that to make me laugh at myself in the moment. The Black American of Yoruba (Nigerian), Ewe (Ghanaian), and British descent who only speaks English crying out in Igbo? Make it make sense. 🤷🏽‍♀️😅 Laughter is good medicine. 

I'm going to earnestly pray for all those impacted by the tragedy AND I'm thankful that God made me smile, shifted my mindset, and positioned me to pray from a place of victory and compassion instead of a place of defeat and pity. Those impacted by this tragedy need the power of God to comfort them- not my pity and sorrow alone. 🙏🏾

We can't be pitiful (only feel sorrowful without taking appropriate actions) and powerful (led by and operating in the Holy Ghost) at the same time. Pity is not compassion. Pity stops at "Oh I feel badly for you." Compassion feels badly and is aroused to do something to alleviate the pain and suffering of others. Praying from a place of victory and compassion addresses a need. 🙌🏽 And there are other things which can be done for the family. 

We must choose to rely upon the dunamis power within us even in the face of loss, tragedy and suffering to be who God has called us to be and take appropriate actions. Remember,  we are cast down, but unconquered (2 cor 4:7-15)!!💪🏽

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