Sunday, June 20, 2021

A Father's Day Blessing for the Fatherless Child

May you know Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior early in life. 

May you be filled with the Holy Spirit. 

May you be affirmed in your identity in Jesus Christ. 

May you rest in a spirit of adoption into the family of God. 

May you be led by the Holy Spirit and live as a son/child of God. 

May you move, breathe and have your being in the Lord. 

May you bear much fruit of temperance and self control. 

May you be holy and live a consecrated life. 

May you walk in  purity and chastity. 

May you step into into your calling and genius at an early age. 

May the Lord load you with His benefits, meet you at your points of need and supply all of your needs according to His riches in glory. 

May all that is needful for your care and upkeep be provided. 

May you lack no good thing. 

May the Lord raise up godly men to mentor you. 

May the Lord raise up father figures to affirm your identity. 

May you receive divine immunity from the effects of fatherlessness by the grace of God Who is the Everlasting Father.
May you never be a negative statistics. 

May you be protected by God and God's angels. 

May you feel safe and secure. 

May no evil eyes look upon you or evil hands touch you. 

May you walk through life with a divine sense of purpose. 

May you prosper and be in good health- spirit, soul and body. 

May you operate in an excellent spirit. 

May you have good success in everything you put your hands to in holiness and  righteousness. 

May you love, honor and obey those God places in authority over you. 

May you be raised up to break generational curses in your family. 

May you be satisfied with longevity and fulfillment. 

May your star always shine brightly for the glory of God.

You are blessed in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.

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