Saturday, August 14, 2021

5782: The Year of Release

We're approaching the Hebraic New Year. 5782 is  a Shmita Year. Shmita literally means ‘release.’ Commonly translated as the ‘Sabbatical Year,’  During this Year of Release the Torah mandates that the land is left fallow, debts are forgiven, and a host of other agricultural and economic adjustments are made to ensure the maintenance of an equitable, just, and healthy society.  

The sabbath year, also called the sabbatical year is the seventh year of the seven-year agricultural cycle . Traditional teachings about shmita shed light on contemporary issues, including rest and work, relationship to land, relationship to community, relationship to debt and debt relief, definitions of community, inequality, and the issue of consumption itself. (Reference: 

Schmita begins September 7, 2021. May the Year 5782 be your Year of Release! May you cease from toiling without reward. May you enter into a season of rest. May you release debts and forgive. May you be forgiven debts, transgressions and offenses. May your God-ordainrd relationships be reconciled. May your financial debts be forgiven. MAY STUDENT LOAN DEBT BE CANCELLED‼🔥 May there be a divine transference of wealth to Kingdom Citizens. In His name.  Amen.