Saturday, December 31, 2022

2023: A Time and Season for Divine Restoration

As children of God, we must discern the seasons and times and know what to do in the times and seasons for favorable outcomes. As we enter 2023, the Lord is highlighting Joel 2:35-27 and Ecclesiastes 3 to me. The year 2023 is a season and time for divine restoration. Included below are three things I am perceiving about 2023 along with instructions for favorable outcomes. I believe these things will help us maximize this season of divine restoration.


1. Everything Has Its Time. Ecclesiastes 3:1-8. We are entering a new season- not just because we are entering a new year. God's timing is different from the Gregorian calendar. God's timing is different from humanity's timing. A season is a division of time based on conditions in the atmosphere which has its own characteristics and lasts for a defined period. The change in the seasons is brought about by a shift in the way God reveals Himself to humanity and the way the hosts of heaven interact with and relate to humanity. We are entering a kairos moment in God's timing. This is a kairos moment for divine restoration.

A. Repent for mishandling time and other resources. Ask God to consecrate your time and other resources. Ask God to remove wrinkles from your timeline and to mend those things which would cause you to lose and waste resources. Cry out to God to restore and replace the time that devouring spirits have eaten! Joel 2:25 Trust God to restore and replace all the resources that the enemy has stolen. 

B. Guard your time jealously. Invest your time, talent, and treasure wisely. Invest in yourself. Invest in your health and well-being. Invest in the eight dimensions of the whole person (emotional, physical, occupational, social, spiritual, intellectual, environmental, and financial) so that you may prosper and be in good health even as your soul prospers. 3 John 1:2 Jesus came that we might have life and life more abundantly. This is an opportune time to enjoy the zoe life that Jesus secured for us on the cross! The Lord is restoring you to divine health in every dimension of life- particularly spiritually. Set aside time to rest daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annually. Mark 4:37-38. Go on a personal spiritual retreat (time set apart with the Lord for renewal, direction, and fresh empowerment) at least once (ideally 2-3 times) in the year for a minimum of three days. Isaiah 40:27-31. 
C. Use chronos (sequential, quantitative time) to prepare for kairos (opportune moments). God is opening doors. Be ready to walk through these open doors!  This is a season of open doors. When I released this word at a ministry encounter in Atlanta, GA, USA December 26, I used the illustration of a musician practicing daily and being prepared for that "chance" encounter with a music industry influencer.  God is sending ministering angels to orchestrate your "big break." Put in the time to prepare yourself for open doors of opportunity.  
Get ready.  Stay ready. God is also restoring open doors.  There are doors that were open to you in past seasons, but for whatever reasons were closed.  God is bringing restoration.          

2. Focus on your God-given Tasks. Ecclesiastes 3:9-15. Be about the Father's Business. Luke 2:49; Luke 5:18-23. Do not be presumptuous about what the Father's business is. Do not waste time doing religious works based in tradition. Let all that you do in service unto the Lord be birthed out of the secret place. The Lord is restoring you vocationally in career, business, and ministry.
A. Ask God to restore you as as trees of righteousness as you serve as an ambassador (one who is mandated to protect the interest and integrity of one's leader and/or government) of the king of Kings and Lord of lords and the Kingdom of God. Proverbs 11:28; Numbers 24:6; Isaiah 61:3; Hosea 14:5–8; Psalm 1:3; Psalm 92:12; Isaiah 41: 17-20. There are seven trees listed in Isaiah 41:19.  These are cedar (excellence and perfection in God), acacia (regeneration, perseverance, and integrity), myrtle (abundance and fruitfulness), olive (peace, prosperity, beauty, and the relationship with God and His people), cypress (healing, uprightness, and eternal life) pine (victory and triumph of life over darkness), and box (abiding grace and God's perpetual presence). God is perfecting us, strengthening us to persevere, pruning us to be fruitful, ushering us into prosperity, inviting us into deeper intimacy with Him, healing us in every area of our lives, causing us to triumph over darkness and be victorious in spiritual warfare, and blessing us with another dimension of His abiding Presence.   

B. The Lord is restoring a "Doing Grace" to the Body of Christ (Romans 7:19) to do what we are called to do and become who we are called to be. God will pour out His Spirit in a greater measure on those who are poor in spirit. God will multiply favor and supernatural enablement to those who are clothed in humility and submissive to Him and those in authority over them. 1 Peter 5:5-6. Let go of religious and spiritual pride. Stop being self-protecting, self-defending and self-promoting. Be slow to speak, slow to anger, and quick to listen. Recognize your need for God in ALL things!
C. We shall be empowered in a greater measure by the Holy Spirit to walk with the Spirit of the Lord, the Spirit of Wisdom, the Spirit of Understanding, the Spirit of Counsel, the Spirit of Power, the Spirit of Knowledge, and the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord. Get ready to see the mighty works of God in the captivating Presence and glory of God.
Let your heart's cry be "Now, Lord do it again! Restore us to our former glory! May streams of your refreshing flow over us until our dry hearts are drenched again." Psalm 126:4. 
D. Seek revelation, understanding, and inspiration from the principles, promises, and prophecies of God found in Scripture. The Lord is restoring to you the joy of salvation .  Earnestly desire and endeavor to be blameless and do what is right. Ask for grace to demonstrate the character and nature of Jesus. Matthew 6:33.
E. Worship, pray and engage the Word through reading, studying, and meditating. Acts 6:4; 1 Timothy 4:15.  The Lord is birthing a hunger and zeal within you for His Word.  
F. Position yourself to be matured as sons of God through your intimate fellowship with the Holy Spirit. Romans 8:12-17, 19.
G. Invest in God-ordained relationships to the glory of God. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10. Trust God to restore and rebuild kingdom relationships which were broken due to offense and strife.  

3. The High Court of Heaven is being convened to issue verdicts which facilitate restorative justice. In Ecclesiastes 3:16-22 injustice seems to prevail.  But beloved, be assured God is not mocked! The chickens are coming to roost!! Galatians 6:7-8.  We will see restorative justice.  Offenders will be held accountable for their misconduct and make restitution to those they have harmed.  
A. Repent! Earnestly desire to have the gentle, lowly heart of Jesus. Matthew 11:29.
God will make an open display and put to shame that which has afflicted, humiliated, and oppressed God's people. Jesus made a public spectacle of the rulers and authorities of power of the kingdom of darkness. Colossians 2:15. The eternal truth of our victory as overcomers in Christ will be quite evident in this season. The numbers of salvations, deliverances, healings, restorations, miracles, signs, and wonders will increase exponentially.  The settings and circumstances around these occurrences will absolutely boggle our minds. The glory of God is being revealed in a greater dimension. We will see manifestations of salvation to the utmost.  

C. Verdicts of restorative justice will bring realignment to individuals, families, people groups, nations, and the Body of Christ.  Realignment is the action of changing or restoring something to a different or former position or state.  God is restoring us to the original blueprint of heaven for  His Glory and namesake.

As we enter this new year and new season, may God, the Fountain of hope, fill you to overflowing with uncontainable joy and perfect peace as you trust in him. And may the power of the Holy Spirit continually surround your life with his super-abundance until you radiate with hope! Romans 15:13


