Friday, May 29, 2020

Days of Fire

Images of riot fires in major cities around the county are not what any of us had in mind for Pentecost Weekend. The fires set by protestors responding in anger and frustration to George Floyd's death gives  the term "Days of Fire" a new meaning. I believe the timing isn't by happenstance.

Revival and fresh fire in the church will come when we REPENT for the sins which are at the root of the fruit of hatred, anger, violence, murder, lawlessness, etc. we're seeing. Those same roots bear fruit of strife and  disunity in the Body of Christ. The disunity in the Church fuels and legalizes in the spirit realm  disunity in  society at large. I've been praying about and lamenting about the disunity in the Body for a few years now. It breaks God's heart! 

We must see ourselves as children of God first and foremost- not white or black, not Democrat or Republican- but children of God. OT prophets primarily preached against idolatry, sexual immorality, shedding of innocent blood, mistreatment of the disenfranchised and marginalized, oppression and injustice. In the Body even God's mouthpieces- the prophets, feel like they must choose a side or camp which only addresses 2 or 3 of these things. Why? Parts of the message are seen as the message of the Black Liberation Theology Movement. Other parts are seen as the message of the White Evangelical Movement. No one seems to care that ALL of these things are central to the message of the RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUSTICE of God. 

Where are those who will cry aloud and spare not for the God Movement? 

Sunday, May 24, 2020

The Idolatry of Political Ideology in America

Christians have made idols of political ideology. We blindly follow partisan politics without speaking Truth to power. God will judge God's house for this if WE don't REPENT! 

Where are Christian republicans who abhor "isms," injustice, and the mistreatment of the poor, marginalized, and disenfranchised? The OT Prophets warned God's chosen people about this time and time again. The Israelites were severely judged for these abominations. These things are overlooked today because those who hold power, wealth and influence have shaped the mental lenses through which we read and interpret scripture. 

Where are Christian democrats who abhor abortion of the unborn who have reached the age of viability? If there's no medical necessity to perform these procedures is this not the shedding of innocent blood? Where are Christian democrats who abhor the perversion of the institution of MARRIAGE  which is a HOLY institution created by a HOLY God even before there was the institution of religion? I'm not speaking of civil unions or equal protection under the law  for we are to render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's; and to God the things that are God's. I'm speaking of the use of the term MARRIAGE to describe relationships which don't align with the definition established through the principle of first use in ancient sacred and historical texts.

We're facing unprecedented challenges on many fronts in our society. Republicans are not solution bearers. Democrats are not solution bearers. The children of God who show up in the character and nature of the Creator are solution bearers.  So I encourage you to bow before God and not your idols of political ideology as you seek guidance, revelation, and insight on how to cast your vote in the upcoming elections. For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the CHILDREN OF GOD- not republicans or democrats!

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Happy Mother's Day!

“Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all.” Proverbs 31:29 NRSV

According to The Passion Translation Study Notes: "These valiant and noble ones (daughters) represent the church of previous generations who remained faithful in their pursuit of Jesus. But this final generation will be the bridal company of the lovers of God who do mighty exploits and miracles on the earth."

Let the women arise and take our positions among this bridal company to do mighty exploits and miracles on earth. Let us take that which we've been endowed to bear fruit, advance the kingdom, and govern our spheres of influence in the earth according to God's precepts and principles. Let us re-present the King of kings in the personhood, power and presence of our risen Lord and Savior. In Jesus' name. Amen.