Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Legalistic Spirit

People bound by or affected in some way by a legalistic spirit:
1. Walk around  like they've been sucking on lemons. They have no joy.
2. Have no discipline over their flesh and emotions.  Have difficulty accepting the grace of God to break cycles of sin, grow up emotionally, and fast for extended periods (Fasting more than 10 days can only be done by the grace of God. Legalistic  people cant accept the grace of God to do this.)
3. Have an unhealthy spirit of performance and competition.
4. Are highly  critical and operate in perfectionism.
5. Are overly concerned with protocol, appearances, pomp and circumstance, and attire.
6. Bound by traditions (not just religious traditions) and will not break from traditions even when the traditions are no longer useful or are counter productive.
7. Operate in spiritual pride. Believe they've cornered the truth and don't believe the Holy Spirit moves in other assemblies, traditions, or denominations.
8. Are constantly working to secure or maintain their salvation.  The legalistc spirit says  you must "act right" and "do good" to be saved.

Source: 8 Signs of a Legalistic Spirit—and How to Break Free — Charisma News

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