Monday, November 16, 2020

Bloodline Cleansing for American Descendants of Slavery

When repenting and saying prayers of renunciation for bloodline cleansing there's likely a whole part of your ancestry that you've completely overlooked- the kinfolk (biological ancestry) who ain't skinfolk (don't look like you and are of a lighter hue). Not only must we forgive them. We must also  repent for the sins of our white ancestors against our black ancestors and others. 

Over the years I've fasted, prayed, renounced the sins of my black ancestors, asked for forgiveness, repented for bloodline iniquities, applied the Blood of Jesus to my maternal  and paternal bloodlines, and trusted God to cleanse my bloodlines. I've seen breakthroughs and received deliverances but its been evident that there were outstanding accusations against my maternal lineage. But what? I'd been trusting God to bring revelation. 

Very recently a familiar spirit appeared to me in a dream as a headless solider dressed in a uniform. It reached for my head. I woke up and rebuked it. As a result of the dream, I received prophetic insight through dream interpretation  from a Prophet of God about the details of the sins committed by black ancestors on my mother's side of the family. But there were no new types of sins for which I had not already  repented. 

My paternal lineage is Nigerian (Yoruba). My paternal great great grandfather was brought to Jekyll Island in 1858 on the Slave Ship the Wanderer. Over the years God has given revelation about the sins of my African ancestors. And I've renounced them and repented. And out of obedience to what God was speaking through God's mouthpiece, yet again I  prayed  the prayers of renunciation and repented for things most people of African descent have in their bloodlines. 

I felt lighter. Sensed a shift and mostly importantly received instructions from God about next steps. I was to visit my parents home, do a short teaching on bloodline cleansing, pray, take communion with them, and listen to scriptures about the power in the blood of Jesus while sleeping. I did and received a powerful deliverance. I went to bed at around 10 pm. I woke up at around 5 and purged for 3 hours until 8 am!  In this moment as I'm typing the Holy Spirit said "All  those numbers are prophetic!" 

During the dream interpretation session prior to traveling to my parents' home the Prophet revealed that I have British and Ghanaian ancestry on my mother's side of the family. Afterwards, this was confirmed through DNA testing.

One of my maternal great great grandparents was Ghanaian (Ewe) and the other was British. So my maternal  great grandfather who came to South Carolina from Haiti was likely a product of rape or some other form of sexual perversion. 

The prophet also identified the uniform of the headless soldier in the dream. It was a Victorian era (British) uniform. God allowed her to go deep and receive lots of details. I'm so thankful. As a result I  experienced another level of deliverance, but knew that there was still something hanging in the balance. There were still outstanding accusations against my maternal bloodline. But what? 

One night as I was journaling about how Ive been harrassed over the years by this familiar spirit assigned to my maternal bloodline, it hit me like a ton of bricks. I've never repented for the sins of my BRITISH ancestors. Ive never repented for the, rape, sodomy (the slave owners raped the men and boys too), murder, injustice, wickedness, lying, deceit, treachery, cheating, oppression, hardness of heart, breaking vows, violence, adultery, robbery, offering human sacrifices, idolatrous practices, rebellion,  scheming, etc.  of my WHITE ancestors! 

This has by far been THE most stubborn bloodline issue in my life!  This spirit first appeared to me in a dream when I was 7 years old. And it  has harrassed me in various ways on and off for nearly 40 years. As American Descendants of Slavery, we spend a lot of time and energy focusing on our African "demons"- and rightfully so. AND we would be VERY well-served to take another look at our multi-national, multi-ethnic, multi-racial foundations. 

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