Friday, November 13, 2020

A Prophetic Word for the Church at Large November 2020

A Prophetic Word for the Church at Large November 2020

November 2020: Promotion (Psalm 75:6-7), Prophets (Jeremiah 23:9-40) and Promise (Psalm 145:1-13)

Three things the Holy Spirit revealed to me for the Church at Large are:
• God is judging works.
• God is purifying the prophetic ministry.
• God is giving you the desires of your heart.

And the Lords says...

I am judging your works.
• I know your deeds and hard work
• I am rewarding those who have persevered and diligently sought after me
• Testimonies about the deeds and work of the church in Asia- particularly the Underground Church in China have continually come before Me
• You have patiently endured and remained faithful even in the face of persecution
• I am strengthening the works of your hands and releasing resources to you to do the work which I have called you to do
• I will open doors to you for reverse mentorship to minister to churches around the world that are older and more established
• I will send you forth as firebrands to reignite fire and passion in My Church in other places
• And not only am I judging the works of the church in Asia; My eyes are moving to and fro throughout the earth so that I may edify those whose heart is completely Mine
• I am releasing technologies, strategies, weaponry, and resources
• This season looks like downtime to many, but I am performing maintenance and upgrades to My Body
• I am repositioning and realigning many of my sons and daughters   
• Those with an ear to hear and eyes to see perceive there is a great deal going on in the realm of the spirit   
• I am doing a new thing among your generation 
• The resources of heaven are being reallocated and realigned to those who have been found to be faithful
• I am releasing angelic assistance, financial resources and destiny helpers to support you in doing the work that I have called you to do
• You will experience an increase in the acts of my Spirit
• I am raising up sons and daughters with My character and nature who will do great exploits in my name
 • Their character, nature and works  will proclaim My sovereign power over all of creation
• I am releasing special graces on evangelists and evangelistic work to bring in a great harvest of souls from every nation and every tongue

I am purifying the prophetic ministry.
• There are prophets, prophetic voices and prophetic intercessors who have caused My Church to err
• Because you speak imaginations and visions of your own hearts- not out of My mouth
• You have defiled the church in the United States with political ideology, culture, tradition and religion
• Some of you have made these things your gods
• You have exalted  your idols over My justice and righteousness, My Word, My desires, and My redemptive plan 
• You have strengthened the hands of those who divide My church and bring strife and contention among you
• I am calling prophets, prophetic voices, and prophetic intercessors from every nation and tongue throughout the earth who have caused My Church to err to repent 
• As you humble yourself, pray, seek My face and repent I will
• Unlock mysteries and deliver you from strongholds and ungodly mindsets
• I will give you clean hands and pure hearts that you may once again ascend My hill
• It is from this elevated place that you must see, discern, decree and declare My heart and My mind
• Have I not instructed you to not be conformed to worldly patterns
• I am releasing new wineskins to those who humble themselves and repent
• So that your minds may be renewed
• Then and only then  will you know what My good, acceptable and perfect will is  
• Then you will speak My Truth in Love
• As you speak my Truth in Love over the next year and beyond, I will use you to uproot those things that have defiled My Church in the nations where I planted you
• In the U.S. I will use those who speak my Truth in Love to  immediately silence the accusations of greed, rebellion, pride, hatred, injustice and murder which have stood in My courts against your nation from its inception 
• As I restore your identity as My ambassadors who show love one to another 
• You will shine more brightly throughout the earth, in the world systems, and among the nations to dispel the darkness around you
• You will go forth as sent ones to plant and build world systems that align with My  governance 

I am giving you the desires of your heart.
• Cast your cares upon Me;  I care for you  
• You are the apple of my eye- my beloved in whom I am well pleased.  
• I am a good Father; It delights me to bless you  
• Rest from striving, trying to figure everything out, and doing things in your own strength
• Trust Me to fulfill My promises to you
• Take joy in being in My presence
• As you seek My face I will reward you and give you the desires of your heart
• I am placing expectancy in your hearts
• This is a month of hope 
• Place your hope in me
• I am conditioning your hearts to dream again
• I am healing your hearts from disappointment
• Take those prophetic words which are yet to be manifested off the shelf and stand on My promises to you
• Search out My word and stand on My promises to you
• Remember those things I said to you in our times of intimacy together and stand on My promises to you 
• Stand on my promises to you particularly in the areas of family and your identity in me
• I am breaking generational curses, cleansing bloodlines and raising you up as mature sons and daughters 
• Pay attention to your dreams
• I am giving you a peek into your prophetic destiny
• These dreams may seem foolish, impossible or improbable to others, but 
• I will bring My purposes and plans for your life to past
• I have disarmed the works of darkness that have withstood your walking in the course I set before you
• My wind is at your back to push you forward
• The enemy may have come in like a flood, but my breath is putting him to flight
• I am making an open display of the enemy and the works of darkness 
• I am demonstrating my goodness and faithfulness as a Good Father towards my sons and daughters
•  I will draw humanity to me as I am lifted up as a Good Father

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