Sunday, September 9, 2018

Year 5779: The Year of the Catalytic Converter

Greetings Beloved!

We've crossed over into a New Year on the Hebraic Calendar. One word that keeps ringing in my ear for this season is Catalytic Converter. I said Lord that's a car part and I dont know anything about cars. Lol.  So I asked what does this mean? What are you saying Lord? Then God said this is the year that I will  increase the speed at which the process of change in form, character, or function of my people, the works of their hands and the Body of Christ occurs.

So I asked how might that appear. Then I received revelation about some ways this may play out. Things that appeared to be lost causes will suddenly look differently. This is a year of rapid 180° turns and changes. It will be mind boggling and jaw dropping. Even some denominations will change their position on major doctrinal matters particularly as it relates to the role of women in the church. We'll see Prodigals returning home and  high-ranking Sauls within the Seven Mountains of Culture (Education, Religion, Family, Business, Government/Military, Arts/Entertainment, Media) being quickly converted to Pauls.  These Pauls will become catalysts of change within their circles of influence and re-write history and how things are done/ governed within their fields. The function and roles of many  are suddenly changing as well. You may have been feeding sheep and had sheep dung in between your toes in 5778 and find yourself being a thought leader within your field/ industry in 5779.

How should we respond? Brace yourself! Worship, prayer and meditation are so critical!!! Things will shift so quickly that we'll need not just  daily wisdom (strategy) and insight to navigate this season. We'll need hourly strategies and insight. Its critical to be VERY  sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Throughout this year ask God "what would You have me to do today/this hour? Where should I go? Who should I talk with"? Many will be set up for "chance" encounters that will QUICKLY CHANGE their entire life and that of their family for generations. Whew!!  AND DONT DESPISE THE NEW THING that God is doing. When God begins to do a new thing in Education, Religion, Family, Business, Government/Military, Arts/Entertainment, Media we are often inclined to resist change and say we've never done it that way. Instead of resisting the new thing and saying no PAUSE and ASK GOD is this your desire?  Getting a response- peace in your hearts, inner knowing or audible yes/no won't require days of fasting and prayer. When you sincerely ask with humility, openness and a desire to know God's will in these matters God will respond almost immediately. Even the rate at which we discern the will of God in major life decision is being increased!

The Lord has arisen as the Catalytic Converter in this season to bring about inexplicable suddenlies. Dont be left behind. Dont be delayed by the paralysis of the analysis which is often rooted in fear. Guard your minds and hearts against fear. Take every thought that is contrary to God's word about who you are, what you're destined to have, and what you've been called to do captive by consistently speaking the word of God. Rewire your brain. Build new neurological pathways. Demolish stronghold of fear. Dr. Caroline Leaf has written a great deal about rewiring the brain. Included below is a link to a YouTube video with basics on how to rewire your brain.

Watch "Dr. Caroline Leaf | How To Rewire Your Brain | It's Supernatural with Sid Roth" on YouTube

Shalom! Shalom!

Dr. Lyn Cheevers

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