Friday, April 2, 2021

A Word for April 2021

A Word of Exhortation and Instruction for Relationships in April 2021- "I am the God that healeth thee." Exodus 15:26 

April  is a favorable, providential, advantageous, promising, heaven-sent, opportune, suitable, well-timed month for healing in every area of our lives. 

In the area of relationships: 
1. April is  a favorable time for inner healing from soul wounds. This will positively impact how you see and relate with self and others.  Engage in a period of introspection and self-reflection to capitalize on this opportune time for inner healing. 

2. April is a promising time for reconciliation and the restoration of loving, generous, considerate and pleasant interactions within broken marriages, families, and god-ordained relationships. With sincere effort, yesterday’s missed opportunities for reconciliation can become today’s achievement. It’s never too late. Pray for peace and wisdom. Believe and hope for the best. Take action, reach out, and extend the olive branch. 

3. April is a heaven-sent time for the roots of rebellion and stubbornness which yield fruit of  dysfunction in marriages, families, and god- ordained relationships to be plucked up. Trust God to break the cycles and patterns of loss, sorrow, and unfavorable conditions and outcomes that began as a result of these sins.

4. April is an opportune time for  repairing the breaches which have negatively impacted your relationship with the Lord. Be intentional about nurturing a more intimate relationship with the Lord. As you draw nearer to the Lord, He will repair the breaches and make things right.
Be determined to receive your breakthrough during this providential time for healing. Confess your sins. Ask God for forgiveness for you and your relations. Be remorseful. Plead the blood of Jesus which says "not guilty" and silences the accusations of your adversary. Speak topical affirmations from Scripture over your lives. Repent. Take Holy Communion. Renew your covenant with the Lord. Receive afresh  the Lord's pardon and power for salvation, deliverance, healing and restoration.

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