Saturday, August 30, 2014

Prophetic Declarations for September 2014

I decree and declare the love, joy and peace of God will overtake and consume each and every Believer reading this like never before. You are perfected in the love of God.  All fear is cast out. The joy of the Lord is your strength. I speak the Shalom of God into your life.  Your shield of faith is being made stronger to quench every fiery dart of the enemy.  No weapon formed against you shall prosper.  I declare a cease fire in your life.  I call you into a state of peace.

I call forth prosperity into your life and declare that God will shower you with such an abundance of His favor that even the enemy will have to acknowledge it in Jesus’ name. Every area of your life is coming into alignment and harmony with the purpose and plans of God for your life.
I speak completeness and wholeness in your life.  Nothing is missing.  The Lord will not withhold any good thing from you.
For those seeking church homes, spouses, ministry partners, and business partners I decree and declare God will divinely connect you with destiny helpers.  God sets the solitary in families.

I speak health, welfare and well-being into every  area of your life.  I speak health into your prayer life, word life, your walk with God, your relationships, ministries, businesses, your bodies and your finances.I call you into a spiritual Goshen- a place of rest and blessedness.  The favor of the Lord is upon you.  God will raise up people to pour into your life and bless you.  I speak soundness into your life.  I speak soundness into your walk with God.  No more will you be up today and down tomorrow; here one minute and there the next. The spirit of double-mindedness and unbelief is cast out of your life. I speak soundness into your mind and emotions.  

I speak soundness into your marriages, into your businesses, your careers, your health and every area of your life.Tranquility, fullness, rest, and a state of calm without anxiety or stress is your portion. In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

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