Saturday, January 25, 2025

God is Still on the Throne !!

Hear me. This is not a political post. This is a theological post  about how we see God. And let me  warn you. It's a bit "fussy" because I'm upset! 

I'm appalled by the number of black and brown preachers down playing the sovereignty and providential care of my all- powerful,  all-knowing, ever-present God Who is the God of the Bible because 47 is occupying the Whitehouse. 

Call out the slithering, sleazy, skanky politicians without downplaying my God. 

I heard one say black and brown people CANNOT flourish under certain administrations. Where?! Really?! Last I checked,  my God is the God of impossibilities. And sir we cast down those word curses in the name of Jesus!

Prophets of Old: "My God can do anything. He's the God who answers by fire. In fact, let me show you. Pour water on the offering. Soak it again. Soak it a third time. Now let me pray according to the word, my encounters and my relationship with Yahweh.  Lord let it be known that You're God and I'm Your servant. Let the people's heart be turned to You." And God answered by fire! 

"Prophets" of Today: "Theoretically, my God can do anything. He's the God who answered by fire in those days. He CAN open doors, provide and protect His people. But sometimes He needs a little help to bless black and brown people who have been oppressed and marginalized. Black and brown people, first   you've got to earn five degrees and have the alphabet soup behind your names. Then there must be affirmative action and DEI programs in place. And finally, there must be a liberal administration in office. Now let me pray according to cultural norms, political climate, and my emotions. Lord, if you're listening let it be known that we can achieve anything  with self-determination,  favorable laws, and the right political climate. I'm the voice of culture, reason,  and logic. Let the people's heart be turned to their political idols." 

Tuh! May God answer by fire in a like manner to the "prophets" of today to consume every idol we've erected in our hearts and minds. 

No political party is my Savior or Hope. No politician is my God. Sir, believe what you want to believe politically. Vote as you please. But what you're not going to do is attempt to defame my God with your twisted theological perspective.

God is faithful! He has a track record of keeping His word. There are examples from both the Old and New Testaments where God took care of His people despite wicked political leaders! Let's walk it out...

1. Exodus – Pharaoh's Oppression (Exodus 1-14)

  • Leader: Pharaoh, who enslaved the Israelites.
  • God’s Intervention: Despite Pharaoh's cruelty, God raised up Moses to lead the Israelites out of slavery. God performed miracles, including the 10 plagues and the parting of the Red Sea, ensuring the Israelites' escape.

2. Daniel in the Lion's Den (Daniel 6)

  • Leader: King Darius, who was manipulated by jealous officials to decree that anyone who prayed to God would be thrown into the lion’s den.
  • God’s Intervention: Daniel, a faithful servant of God, was miraculously saved from the lions. This act of deliverance led to Darius issuing a decree that all his subjects should fear the God of Daniel.

3. The Three Hebrew Boys (Daniel 3)

  • Leader: King Nebuchadnezzar, who ordered everyone to worship a golden image.
  • God’s Intervention: Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refused to worship the idol and were thrown into a fiery furnace. God protected them, and they emerged unharmed, leading Nebuchadnezzar to acknowledge God's power.

4. God Provides for Elijah During Ahab’s Reign (1 Kings 17)

  • Leader: King Ahab, one of the most wicked kings in Israel, who led the nation into idolatry.
  • God’s Intervention: During a time of severe drought and famine, God provided for Elijah through ravens that brought him food and later through a widow in Zarephath, demonstrating God’s provision despite Ahab’s idolatry.

5. God Protects the Israelites Under the Leadership of Jeroboam (1 Kings 12)

  • Leader: King Jeroboam, who led Israel into idol worship.
  • God’s Intervention: Even though Jeroboam led the nation into sin, God sent prophets, including Ahijah, to warn the people and remind them of His covenant, showing that He would protect His people despite the wickedness of their leader.

6. Joseph’s Rise in Egypt (Genesis 41)

  • Leader: Pharaoh, who did not know Joseph’s God.
  • God’s Intervention: Despite Pharaoh’s lack of faith, God used Joseph, an enslaved man, to interpret Pharaoh’s dreams and provide for Egypt and the surrounding nations during a severe famine. God preserved His people, Israel, through Joseph’s rise to power.

7. The Deliverance of the Israelites from the Hands of King Manasseh (2 Kings 21)

  • Leader: King Manasseh, known for his extreme idolatry and wickedness.
  • God’s Intervention: Even though Manasseh’s reign was one of the most corrupt, God eventually allowed repentance in the nation, and later the reforms of King Josiah led to the restoration of true worship.

8. The Early Church under Persecution (Acts 8)

  • Leader: Various Roman authorities who persecuted the early Christians (e.g., Emperor Nero).
  • God’s Intervention: Despite intense persecution, the church spread throughout the Roman Empire. Persecution led to the scattering of Christians, which in turn led to the further spread of the Gospel.

9. God Protects the Israelites During the Reign of Queen Athaliah (2 Kings 11)

  • Leader: Queen Athaliah, a wicked ruler who sought to wipe out the royal family.
  • God’s Intervention: God preserved young Joash, the rightful heir to the throne, by using the high priest Jehoiada to protect him. Joash eventually became king and restored proper worship in Israel.

10. Jesus' Birth During Herod’s Reign (Matthew 2)

  • Leader: King Herod, who ordered the massacre of all male children under two in Bethlehem.
  • God’s Intervention: God warned Joseph in a dream to flee to Egypt with Mary and Jesus, thus protecting the Christ child from Herod’s decree. God ensured the safety of His Son despite Herod’s evil intentions.

In each of these instances, God protected, provided, and made a way for His people even when wicked leaders were in power, showing His sovereignty and faithfulness.

There are modern-day examples that further highlight how, in the midst of oppression and wicked political leadership, God continues to provide protection, hope, and a pathway for healing and deliverance. These include: 

1. The Huguenots in France (16th Century)

• Leader: King Charles IX and other French monarchs, who led violent campaigns against the Huguenots (French Protestants).

• God’s Intervention: Despite the horrific St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre in 1572, where thousands of Huguenots were killed, many were miraculously protected. God provided a means of escape for those who fled France, allowing the Huguenot movement to spread and influence religious reform across Europe.

2. The Jews Under Nazi Rule (World War II)

• Leader: Adolf Hitler, who orchestrated the systematic genocide of six million Jews during the Holocaust.

• God’s Intervention: Despite the horrific persecution, many Jews experienced miraculous escapes, survival, and protection. Christian individuals and groups, like the Ten Boom family in Holland, risked their lives to save Jews. The resilience of the Jewish people and the eventual defeat of Nazi Germany exemplify God's providence even in the darkest of times.

3. Africans Enslaved in the Americas (17th-19th Century)

• Leader: European colonial powers and American plantation owners who enslaved millions of Africans.

• God’s Intervention: In the midst of unimaginable suffering, God used the faith of African slaves to create a powerful Christian witness. The spirituals, which became a source of strength and hope, along with movements like the Great Awakening, led many enslaved people to faith in Christ. God also worked through abolitionists, both black and white, to bring about the end of slavery in the United States and other parts of the world.

4. The Rwandan Genocide (1994)

• Leader: The Hutu-led government of Rwanda, which orchestrated the mass killing of Tutsis and moderate Hutus, leading to the deaths of approximately 800,000 people in a matter of months.

• God’s Intervention: Amidst the violence, many individuals and churches risked their lives to protect Tutsis, often hiding them in plain sight. For instance, some Rwandan churches provided refuge for the persecuted, and stories emerged of miraculous survivals where entire families were spared due to divine intervention. In the aftermath of the genocide, efforts toward reconciliation and peace were also seen as part of God’s redemptive work, with many turning to faith for healing.

5. The Fall of Apartheid in South Africa (1990s)

• Leader: The apartheid regime led by the National Party government, which enforced institutionalized racial segregation and oppression against non-white South Africans.

• God’s Intervention: Despite decades of injustice and violence, God worked through Christian leaders like Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Nelson Mandela, and many others who were committed to nonviolent resistance and forgiveness. The end of apartheid was seen as a miraculous shift, as negotiations for a peaceful transition were orchestrated despite the deep-seated tensions. Many South Africans attributed the peaceful dismantling of apartheid to God’s providence and the power of reconciliation grounded in Christian faith.

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