Saturday, April 30, 2022

The Spiritual Reality of Curses

Most western Believers will disagree with what I'm about to say due to their intellectual pride, secular humanism and lack of spirituality. We know biblical principles, promises and prophesies. But many of us do not understand how to apply these things to navigate in the realm of the spirit. Whereas in some cultures there's  hyper-spirituality which negates the efficacy of one's power, authority and the reality of the dimensions and degrees  of self-determination delegated to humanity. There must be a balance! Somewhere between irrational  superstition and intellectual humanism lies metaphysical reality. With this understanding may I say to you in love with all sincerity that Believers can be cursed! The teaching that a Believer cannot be cursed is a lie. It's erroneous. It's false. 

The classic indication of a curse is a pattern. These patterns seemingly veto one's prayer life. They seemingly veto spiritual activities. These patterns will continue until that which set the ripple effect into motion is addressed. That which set the ripple effect  in motion could've occurred many generations before one's birth. That which set the pattern in motion is an abomination which defiled time, land, community (bloodline and other familial-like relationships), birthright or offices (in career,  business and/or ministry).

Being cursed has nothing to do with salvation. One can be saved, indwelled with God's Spirit, infilled with God's Spirit, bear fruit of the Spirit,  operate in the gifts of the Spirit,  live Holy, be heaven bound AND see these negative patterns manifest.

Examples of these patterns that are seen in individuals,  families, nations, territories,  regions, etc. are barrenness (in any form), premature death (in any form), patterns of divorce in a family,  addictions, generational poverty, generation after generation born outside of wedlock, useless men while the women dominate and excel, extended periods of joblessness, chronic sicknesses and disease, etc. ANY pattern that is not  an indication of the blessings of God is an indication of a CURSE!

If you dont believe a Christian can be cursed consider this. It's foolishness to continue doing the same thing expecting different results- right? You accepted Jesus. You're fasting, praying, living holy, doing all you know to be the right thing. And yet you STILL see negative patterns in your life, family or community. Do you believe that God is wicked an unjust to allow these patterns without just cause?  God is Righteous. God is Just. God honors God's word even about God's name. Somehow,  somewhere someone connected to you in some way has violated the word, will and ways of God. 

Will it  hurt you or cost you anything to take this matter to the Lord in prayer and ask God to show you what is the root cause of that negative pattern? If I'm wrong you lose nothing- right? But if you're wrong the pattern will continue. And this could make the difference between life and death.

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Honoring Mom

As we approach Mother's Day, May 8 let's give honor to the mothers who God used to shape and mold us.  Biologically speaking we only have one mother of course. Yet I  recognize that I am who I am because of the impartations and deposits of the graces from SEVERAL women. So I have SEVERAL "moms."  To name a few SIGNIFICANT women in my life,  there's my St. Philip AME Church mom who also earned a Doctor of Education. She's hilarious, a straight, sharp shooter and seer.  

There's my  AME mom who was my first pastor after I  rededicated my life to the Lord. Her name is listed in record books. She's been used mightily by God. She's accomplished professionally and academically. Yet she is so meek and humble. She has a heart of gold, a powerful evangelistic grace and glory-filled healing ministry. There's my Ghanaian mom who is hospitable, joyful, gracious, giving, and kind. My Yoruba (Southwest Nigeria) mom who has the grace to regularly fast (water only) for 40 days or more at a time (she refers to times of fasting and intense prayer as being on the Prayer Mountain) , is a powerful intercessor and worship leader. 

There's my Igbo (Southeast Nigeria) mom who is also my mother in the Lord. If I've prayed for you, if God added to your family through my prayers, ministry and/or intercession, if I've ministered deliverance to you,  ministered the prophetic word of the Lord to you, rebuked you, rolled up on you out of the blue when you were out of order 😂, counseled you- especially in relationships or ministered inner healing to you-  these are SOME of the MANY graces imparted to me through her beginning in 2008 that have been watered by others over the years. If led, you may sow into Ap. Dr. Joy Ibe's ministry. She and her ministry are EXCELLENT ground in which to sow. 🙏🏾 There's my Jewish mom who is wise, industrious, skillful and frugal.  

There's my grandma Pearl mom who was a prayerful Titus 2 mother in her family, church, and community. And of course there's my mom mom Pr. Mrs. Virginia Cheevers who never ceases to pray for me. Why am I sharing? Honoring ALL of these women of God as mothers does NOT dishonor any ONE of them. Give honor where honor is due. There's enough HONOR and LOVE to go around. What mothers can you intentionally extend honor to today?

Friday, April 15, 2022

The Resurrection

Indeed God is doing a new thing. God is raising up a company of firebrand preachers who like John the Baptist will be used to usher us into a new dispensation of an outpouring of God's Spirit. These ones will uncompromisingly declare what thus saith the Lord. 

As righteousness is being restored the realignment and reckoning will cause a shaking and shifting in world systems. Everything that can be shaken will be shaken. Don't fret. Have no fear during the dark, trying times. When there's a casting down, God will promote God's chosen ones. When there's scarcity, God will provide for God's elect. When there's death, disease and destruction, God will protect God's children. 

The circumstances around you will serve as a backdrop for the glory of God to be revealed in the earth. The stage is being set for you to shine brightly in the spaces and places into which you've been called. You will show up in the Power, Presence, and Personhood of the King of kings and Lord of lords. You will shine like the Son of Man into the darkness. 

A clarion call is being released into the atmosphere. Sons of God, arise!  Prepare! Pray! Praise! Preach! Prophesy! As you function as kings and priests in your assigned places of duty, honor is being restored to the offices which you occupy in the earth. Honor is being restored to the House of Prayer. The Body is being fitly jointed together to function as she should. The dry bones of the Church  are being revived and restored. She is being empowered and positioned for the days of the harvest. Yes, the fields are white for harvest.