Thursday, January 14, 2021

Weapons to War

Grace to build. Weapons to war: The Razor of the Lord

According to an online source, "a war scythe or military scythe  is a form of pole weapon with a curving single-edged blade with the cutting edge on the concave side of the blade. As an infantry weapon, the military scythe had practical applications both in offensive actions against enemy infantry and as a defensive measure against enemy cavalry."

In a dream I saw a woman who is gifted in the prophetic lying in bed. The woman pulled something out of her mouth from beneath her tongue. It was a razor.

When I woke up I thought about the practice in some subcultures to hide razors as weapons beneath one's tongue. I asked God "What are you showing me? Is this an attack against this woman to silence her by cutting her tongue at its base? Or is this her weapon hidden for use as needed?

While I believe the dream is applicable to the woman, I also believe the woman represents prophets, and the prophetic ministry (prophetic voices, scribes, intercessors, etc.) I believe that God has released special weapons to some to do the work which is required in this hour.  I also believe the enemy will try to counter this movement. 

I believe there will be increased activity from the kingdom of darkness to silence this woman of God, prophets, and the prophetic ministry. God will allow things that the Adversary will try to use to muzzle these ones. These prophetic voices will feel as if they've been thrown into a fire.  My word to you is" The Lord is with you in a very special and tangible way!" The Lord is the fourth man in the fire! God can deliver you out of the fiery trials of life and bless you in ways that will amaze, astonish, and confuse the enemy. When God delivers you, you're not coming out the same way you went in. God will use the fire to deliver you from forms of bondage. You may go into the fire bound up in some ways. But youre coming out unbound.

The fire won't change your identity. In fact, it will be a place of preparation to walk in your identity and calling in a greater measure. God will continually ensure you of God's love for you in unique ways before, during and after the fiery trial. These will be like kisses on the forehead from a loving parent to her child. The fire will be a place of consecration and anointing which will give you the grace for new levels of authority. Your sacrifices of praise will be a sweet smelling aroma unto the Lord. God will reward your sacrifice with promotion.

As I inquired more about the meaning of the dream, I heard the Lord say "I've  released to you [the woman in the dream along with certain prophets and prophetic voices] the  Razor of the Lord." Prior to this conversation with the Lord, I'd never heard of the Razor of the Lord. But this isn't unusual for me to hear something from the Lord about which I'm clueless and then spend time investigating the matter.  So I began to inquire more of the Holy Spirit and search out Scripture. Isaiah 7:20 says "On that day the Lord will shave with a razor hired beyond the River—with the king of Assyria—the head and the hair of the feet, and it will take off the beard as well." -NRSV

What is the Razor of the Lord-  I believe it is the words released by the God's chosen prophetic voices for a time such as this. I believe in the realm of the spirit that these words look like a war scythe. This weapon is used to disgrace the enemy. In ancient middle eastern culture plucking a man's beard was a way to disgrace him and bring shame. Jesus disarmed the works of darkness and made a show of them openly. In this season,  prophetic voices are being raised up to do likewise in unprecedented ways.

I believe that God has released the Razor of the Lord to some who have been resting in a place of preparation. These ones will do great and mighty deeds- particularly in the areas of dismantling the works of darkness and deliverance. This weapon will be used to bring God's wrath upon the enemy of our souls, fate and destinies, and the purposes and plans of God.

The Razor of Lord will be used to shred and destroy platforms and structures that have perverted world systems. The Razor of the Lord will be used for deliverance to break generational curses, sever ungodly soulties, and bring an abrupt, complete and permanent end to stubborn issues which have plagued God's people for decades, perhaps even centuries. 

May these chosen vessels take their positions to "Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins (Isaiah 58:1)."  For the Lord says, "Today I appoint you to stand up against nations and kingdoms. Some you must uproot and tear down, destroy and overthrow. Others you must build up and plant (Jeremiah 1:10).”

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