Sunday, June 30, 2019

Beacon Light Academy for Gifted Youngsters

The first time I remember receiving an image as a seer it completley freaked me out! I was 23 years old and starting a new job. I  extended my hand to greet someone that I was meeting for the first time. As I touched her hand  I saw her in Klan regalia! I snatched my hand back so fast!! She probably thought I was crazy or weird. In fact,  I thought I was crazy or weird because obviously she was not wearing Klan regalia.

Later I learned that God was allowing me to "see" this person for who she truly was. I'm not sure if she was actually connected to or affiliated with the Klan but as I got to know her she proved to be a wicked, hateful, cunning, prejudiced, racist bigot. What if I'd been taught about supernatural gifts from childhood? I would've received the image as spiritual  intelligence and known not only how to pray but  also how to handle and interact with that snake.

I once told someone that there should be a "Christian Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters" (Professor X of the X-Men). Lol.  But then I thought oh wait! Thats the role of Men and Women of God (specifically the five-fold ministry)- to equip the saints for the work of ministry. The equipping involves mining out the treasure within, refining and polishing it, and then putting it on display for God's glory.

Enough with the religious youth programs! Let's start praying about and discerning these babies' spiritual gifts, giving them spiritual gifts assessments, teaching them about their gifts, and then allowing opportunities for them to operate in those gifts. Let the "Professor X's" a.k a. Teachers arise!

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