Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Legalistic Spirit

People bound by or affected in some way by a legalistic spirit:
1. Walk around  like they've been sucking on lemons. They have no joy.
2. Have no discipline over their flesh and emotions.  Have difficulty accepting the grace of God to break cycles of sin, grow up emotionally, and fast for extended periods (Fasting more than 10 days can only be done by the grace of God. Legalistic  people cant accept the grace of God to do this.)
3. Have an unhealthy spirit of performance and competition.
4. Are highly  critical and operate in perfectionism.
5. Are overly concerned with protocol, appearances, pomp and circumstance, and attire.
6. Bound by traditions (not just religious traditions) and will not break from traditions even when the traditions are no longer useful or are counter productive.
7. Operate in spiritual pride. Believe they've cornered the truth and don't believe the Holy Spirit moves in other assemblies, traditions, or denominations.
8. Are constantly working to secure or maintain their salvation.  The legalistc spirit says  you must "act right" and "do good" to be saved.

Source: 8 Signs of a Legalistic Spirit—and How to Break Free — Charisma News

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Beacon Light Academy for Gifted Youngsters

The first time I remember receiving an image as a seer it completley freaked me out! I was 23 years old and starting a new job. I  extended my hand to greet someone that I was meeting for the first time. As I touched her hand  I saw her in Klan regalia! I snatched my hand back so fast!! She probably thought I was crazy or weird. In fact,  I thought I was crazy or weird because obviously she was not wearing Klan regalia.

Later I learned that God was allowing me to "see" this person for who she truly was. I'm not sure if she was actually connected to or affiliated with the Klan but as I got to know her she proved to be a wicked, hateful, cunning, prejudiced, racist bigot. What if I'd been taught about supernatural gifts from childhood? I would've received the image as spiritual  intelligence and known not only how to pray but  also how to handle and interact with that snake.

I once told someone that there should be a "Christian Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters" (Professor X of the X-Men). Lol.  But then I thought oh wait! Thats the role of Men and Women of God (specifically the five-fold ministry)- to equip the saints for the work of ministry. The equipping involves mining out the treasure within, refining and polishing it, and then putting it on display for God's glory.

Enough with the religious youth programs! Let's start praying about and discerning these babies' spiritual gifts, giving them spiritual gifts assessments, teaching them about their gifts, and then allowing opportunities for them to operate in those gifts. Let the "Professor X's" a.k a. Teachers arise!

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Preparing for Covenantal Relationships

I've read several posts about kingdom marriages SUDDENLY being established in this next season- pop up marriages if you will. Singles who desire to be married are being  encouraged to prepare themselves for healthy relationships and marriage. So the question is how? How do we prepare ourselves for healthy relationships and marriage?

I believe some of the ways we prepare for healthy relationships are: 1. Deepening  relationships with God and oneself. Spend quality time alone with oneself and God. Get to know oneself and God better. Pray, worship, serve, give, meditate, and journal. Know your spiritual gifts, natural talents, learned skills, personality type, motivators, hot-buttons and triggers, communication style, etc.  2. Making peace with your immediate family. Resolve mommy and daddy issues, squash sibling rivalry and strife, and reconcile God-ordained relationships. 3. Pursuing your passion, purpose and dreams. 4. Eating well and  exercising. 5. Practicing biblical financial stewardship principles.

In order to enjoy healthy relationships one must be determined to live her best life and be the best she can be. For many, the marriage and wedding prep process is reduced to finding the dress, hall, caterer, flowers, etc. Too often we don't know who will provide 1: Supernatural healing and deliverance session(s). Most need "come out" before "I do"; 2: Pre-marital counseling. Let's talk about sex baby! And money, spirituality, communication styles, conflict resolution, religion, traditions, household management,  roles, responsibilities,  etc. And then let's talk about sex, money and conflict resolution again. And again. 3: Prophetic presbytery. Who will prophetically speak the Word of the Lord over and into your lives and marriage during the wedding and/or reception? Record these words. War with these words. Trials will come. Hearing God's heart concerning you and your marriage will encourage you during those trials. 4: Patriarchal blessing. I'm not referring to the LDS concept.  This is a biblical concept modeled after the blessing given by Jacob to each of his sons prior to his death. This could be given by a natural father/parent, father/parent- figure, pastor, spiritual father/mother, or all of the above. Grace and peace! Invite me to your weddings! 💃🏽🥳🙏🏽🙌🏽