Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Taking On the Identity of Christ

All people groups have proclivities,  inclinations and  iniquities  associated with their blood lines. Know what these things are and deal with them or those things will deal with you.

I know the continent, region, country, tribe, and state of my paternal lineage. My paternal ancestors are known for being PRIDEFUL- peacocks,  EXTRAvagant, stiff-necked and unteachable in some regards because they were VERY successful in business, agriculture, iron working, and war.

God has allowed me to go through certain things in life that I may be more meek and humble. It was good that I was afflicted. And deliverance from generational issues isn't usually a one and done "fix." I'm consistently in God's face about being teachable,  malleable, moldable, and humble.

What's your "thing"? What's the kryptonite that the enemy will try to use against you and your family? Identify it and then seek out  scriptures that speak truth in that area about your identity in Christ. Continually seek the face of God that you may become more and more Christlike so that the enemy will find nothing in you to trip you up on your Christian journey. Continually be renewed in your mindset about who you are in Christ Jesus.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

The Splendor of the King

In Ancient times one's mantle signified one's purpose, role  and  authority over a people and place. When a king defeated another king he'd disarm and dismantle the defeated king by taking his weapons and garments.

Sometimes the victorious king in battle would then attach the garments of the defeated king  to the end of his garment  creating a train. This signified the expanded territory of the victor. The longer the train the mightier the king as evidenced by his number of victories and the span of his territory.

So when God's train fills the temple of a place of worship it's about His glory, power, authority, victory, redemption, and  mighty power to change situations and circumstances in your life and the lives of your loved ones.