Sunday, January 22, 2017

Let's Not Get it Twisted!

He was extravagant, lived a lavish lifestyle, seduced married women and young boys. He had an affair with his friend's wife, had his mother and wife executed, and as the leader of the land embarrassed himself and fellow citizens by performing on "reality TV." He kicked one of his wives to death, persecuted minorities and burned them at night to provide lighting in his garden. Yet in 1 Timothy 2:1-2 Believers are instructed to pray for ALL leaders including  Nero (described above) who was the Emperor at the time and notorious for the maltreatment of Believers.

Many of us are outraged that Trump was elected as President. We should protest, march, organize, and exercise our civic duties and rights. And at the end of the day if we're Believers (this doesn't apply to you if you're not so stop reading now or you'll likely be VERY offended) we're commanded in scripture to pray for ALL leaders- whether we like them or not, whether they're "legitimate" or not, whether they're Believers or not, whether they're racist, bigoted, misogynistic, arrogant, egotistical or not, whether they were apparently dropped at birth and have the IQ of a rock or not. We are to Pray for them!

Let's not be such good feminists, good womanists, and  good Afri-Centric activists that we forget to be good Christians.

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