Monday, October 26, 2015

Receiving Feedback and Constructive Criticism

Prov 15:32 says "He who neglects and ignores instruction and discipline despises himself, But he who learns from rebuke acquires understanding [and grows in wisdom]."  Feedback and constructive criticism can be forms of instruction or rebuke. Corporate America and individual high-performers in secular organizations and systems welcome feedback- good or bad, because it makes them better at what they do. Is feedback welcome in the Kingdom? Do we really want to know what visitors think about our ministry and the services we provide in the Kingdom? Do individual Believers welcome feeback?

Can we receive feedback , pray about it, eat the meat (examine it for merit and prayerfully make necessary adjustments) and spit out the bones? Of course we're not man pleasers. We're helpers one to another. We provoke each other unto righteousness. Iron sharpens iron just as one man sharpens another. God uses foolish things to confound the wise.

There may be some merit in complaints, criticism, and feedback. We shouldn't kill the messenger with our words and thoughts. We shouldn't  attempt to murder their character because they lovingly shared criticisms with us directly without gossiping about it behind our backs and sharing it with others. They honored the word which says "touch not my anointed and do my prophet no harm." Now we must do the same.  Corporate America and high- performing individuals in secular matters  see the value of feedback. Why don't church folk see its value?  It's time out on  the children of this world being  wiser than the children of light.

Welcome feedback. Prayerfully consider its merit. Make necessary adjustments. Live together with your sisters and brothers in Christ in love, harmony and peace even after they share negative feedback. These are essential elements of operating and flowing  in an excellent spirit. Shalom!

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