Monday, October 26, 2015

Receiving Feedback and Constructive Criticism

Prov 15:32 says "He who neglects and ignores instruction and discipline despises himself, But he who learns from rebuke acquires understanding [and grows in wisdom]."  Feedback and constructive criticism can be forms of instruction or rebuke. Corporate America and individual high-performers in secular organizations and systems welcome feedback- good or bad, because it makes them better at what they do. Is feedback welcome in the Kingdom? Do we really want to know what visitors think about our ministry and the services we provide in the Kingdom? Do individual Believers welcome feeback?

Can we receive feedback , pray about it, eat the meat (examine it for merit and prayerfully make necessary adjustments) and spit out the bones? Of course we're not man pleasers. We're helpers one to another. We provoke each other unto righteousness. Iron sharpens iron just as one man sharpens another. God uses foolish things to confound the wise.

There may be some merit in complaints, criticism, and feedback. We shouldn't kill the messenger with our words and thoughts. We shouldn't  attempt to murder their character because they lovingly shared criticisms with us directly without gossiping about it behind our backs and sharing it with others. They honored the word which says "touch not my anointed and do my prophet no harm." Now we must do the same.  Corporate America and high- performing individuals in secular matters  see the value of feedback. Why don't church folk see its value?  It's time out on  the children of this world being  wiser than the children of light.

Welcome feedback. Prayerfully consider its merit. Make necessary adjustments. Live together with your sisters and brothers in Christ in love, harmony and peace even after they share negative feedback. These are essential elements of operating and flowing  in an excellent spirit. Shalom!

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The Banner of Malice

The Confederate flag definitely should not fly over government buildings  (federal, state, or local) because it is a symbol of treason. The only public/state owned  spaces we should find this flag are  museums, Confederate Memorials, and other historic sites. Even though I'm offended when I see it, what businesses and private citizens choose to do is their prerogative. It let's me know where they stand. I have a right to choose whether or not to patronize those businesses or associate with those individuals who fly this flag.

Personally I think those who choose to fly the Confederate flag are selfish, insensitive, and lack regard for the suffering and pain of others. I'd never display a Swastika (sacred symbol in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Odinism which means good fortune). Why? Because  I'm a Believer  and I empathize with Jews. The meaning of the Swastika was marred by Hitler. A symbol of good luck became a symbol of evil. 

Regardless of what the Confederate flag means or meant  to some it was used as a calling card at burnings and lynching. It was used as a calling card of those who terrorized my ancestors.  Your precious symbol of "southern pride" was marred by bloody, murderous, hateful, evil human beings who quartered people (took a living man/ woman, tied each limb to a horse and sent the horses in four directions), raped women and children, castrated men, desecrated dead bodies of those they murdered, etc. They left this flag to take ownership of their actions. Just as most terrorists leave their  paraphernalia and symbols today. I get sick to my stomach thinking about this- not because I'm black but because I'm a Believer and lover of humanity.

And finally, removing the flag doesn't change hearts and minds. Those who love this flag so much even after it was marred and became a symbol of evil and who claim to be Christian should sincerely pray a simple prayer- "Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me and know my thoughts. See if there is any pride, hatred, and  bigotry in me, and lead me in the way everlasting that I may seek justice, love mercy and walk humbly with you God and all my sisters and brothers in Christ regardless of their  race, ethnicity or national origin. In Jesus ' name. Amen." Shalom.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Keys to Success

I remember working with a grassroots environmental justice organization in my early twenties to organize a national environmental health summit.  I interacted with tribal governments and seasoned, national and international leaders in the EJ movement.  The summit was successful.  We were instrumental in laying the foundation for guidance on how the government engages with economically disadvantaged populations, people of color, and disenfranchised communities on matters of environmental health.

Fast forward a decade later- I remember failing BIG TIME in a local organization serving a much smaller population.  What made the difference?  One would think we get better with time- right?  Not necessarily.  Age and experience is only an advantage if we gain WISDOM along the way.  We must be knowledgeable and technically proficient.  However, knowing is not enough.  We must know how to apply knowledge.  We must know how to skillfully navigate through life knowing what to say, when, to whom, and how.  We must know what to do, when and how.  This is called WISDOM.  WISDOM doesn't come with years.  WISDOM comes from God.  WISDOM begins with a reverential fear of God.  WISDOM is the principal thing required for success.  Therefore, passionately pursue God for WISDOM.

Being at the right place, at the right time, with the right people, doing the right thing, with the right attitude is critical to success.  Ask to be properly positioned in your spiritual Goshen.  Even Jesus Christ of Nazareth didn't perform as many miracles in certain places because of the naysayers and haters.  I don't care how gifted and talented you are, if you are not at the right place with the right people as ordained by God you will be stifled.  Being properly positioned allows you to soar.    You will be blessed in your spiritual Goshen even when all hell is breaking out around you.  You will only see the reward of the wicked but no death, disease, destruction, calamity, chaos, or confusion will come near you.

Humility is critical to success.  In my early twenties, I was enamored with the leaders who had been on the front lines of the EJ movement.  I respected them.  I was humbled by them.  I wanted to glean knowledge from them about community activism and organizing.  I was never presumptuous and took nothing for granted.  I was a sponge soaking up everything.  I was teachable.  A decade later I focused on the character flaws of leadership instead of focusing on the competencies they'd mastered  which had facilitated their success.

David knew that Saul was a flawed leader but  David  humbled himself and still respected Saul in his role as king. Because I focused on the flaws of the leaders I was not open to receive that which they could impart into me to facilitate my professional growth and development. I wasn't open. I was rigid,  prideful, and inflexible. Pride comes before destruction.  Pray.  Ask God for a meek and humble spirit and the ability to see every experience as a teachable moment.  God exhalts the humble.

And then there is the anointing!  Anointing is the divine enablement from God to use the gifts and talents He has given you in a manner which brings glory to Him.  Olive oil is often used during anointing services.  Olive oil is produced by pressing olives.  You are gifted and talented.  You will bear much fruit.  You will be pruned so that you bear even more fruit AND you will be pressed!  This is what releases the anointing.  Remember you will go through the waters and not be swept away or overtaken.  You will go through the fire and not be burned.  You will come out as pure gold.  You are pressed on every side by troubles, but not crushed; perplexed but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.  Somebody ought to stop and shout right there!!!  Remember it is the pressing baby which releases the anointing. 

I am often approached by men and women of God who "see" in the spirit realm and they comment on God's anointing upon my life.  Because they are men and women of God they understand what this means.  They understand how this was released.  Others around smile and nod in a very religious manner.  But true men and women of God and those with understanding of things of the Spirit "know" about the sleepless nights, soggy pillows drenched with tears, wayward child, delayed promise, rejection, loss, seasons of prolonged fasts and mourning, thorn in the flesh, and well just the PRESSing.  But still I rise!!   Hallelujah!!  So press on toward the mark even during the pressing and trying times.  Don't grow weary in your well-doing. Surround yourself with coaches and cheerleaders.  Iron sharpens iron.  Pray for divine connections and perseverance to press on my beloved.

These are SOME of the keys to success! A large door has been set before you AND there are many adversaries present.  But if you use these keys to success- wisdom, positioning, humility, and the anointing  you will overcome, enter through the door of success and be promoted in this season.


Dr. Lyn