Thursday, September 28, 2023

Basic Survival Skills for the Wilderness

1. Tend the Fire. Continue to pray fervently and strategically. Leviticus 6:8-13. Key verse 6:12. 
2. Soak in His Presence. Engage the Word, pray, obey God, follow the leading of the Holy Spirit, and celebrate the goodness of God. John 4:1-26. Key verses John 4:13-14.
3. Eat the Bread of Life. Search out "case studies" in Scripture which provide insight into your circumstances. John 6:22-40. Key verse John 6:35. 
4. Get a grip! Hold onto God's unchanging hand. Be assured that God was is and forever will be the Unchanging Changer. Malachi 3:6; Hebrews 13:8.
5. Choose a weapon. Several weapons of spiritual warfare are the Word of God, prayer, worship, the names of God, fasting, your testimony, and thanksgiving. 2 Corinthians 10:14
6. Shelter in Place. Remain in the secret place. Stay in fellowship with the saints.  Psalm 91:1-2; Hebrews 10:25.
7. Receive First Aid. Be made whole. The wilderness can be a place of intimacy with God to receive inner healing and deliverance from soul wounds. Hebrews 12:1 TPT
8. Set a trap. Catch the thief at work. Ask God for revelation about whether God allowed the enemy to drive you into the wilderness and if so on what legal grounds. Ask forgiveness. Cry out for mercy. Seek restoration and restitution.  Proverbs 6:30-35. Key verse 6:31. John 10:10.
9. Stay ready. Be like the wise virgins who were prepared.  Seasons of trials and temptation will come. Matthew 25:1-13; James 1:2. 
10. Remember, this too shall pass! It's only temporary. You're going THROUGH and coming OUT. Psalm 23:4, 30:5.

Friday, September 22, 2023

Let Go! Let God!! Walk in Abundance, Peace and Joy!!!

Its a new season! God is doing a new thing. Will you not see it? Or will you go into your new season kicking and screaming, murmuring and complaining while lamenting about what you enjoyed in "Egypt"?! Like I did. 

Listen, God answered long standing prayers of mine. But because it didn't happen how I was expecting it, I was fighting the process of promotion, settlement, and fulfillment. Transition is difficult. The birthing canal is narrow, tight, dark and painful. Many die in the birthing process. The truth is somethings within and connected to you MUST die so that you can live- truly live in higher realms and dimensions. Carnal mindsets must die. Anything unfruitful or unprofitable MUST DIE. But YOU will live. You will have life and life more abundantly. You will declare the works of the Lord. 

We often must walk through the wilderness to get to the promised land. The wilderness is a place of testing not only for you, but also for everyone and everything connected to you. A couple key relationships DIED in my wilderness season.

After pruning comes fruitfulness. There's so much newness around me- new streams of income, new home, new boo. But, I can't say I walked into it gracefully. I initially waged war against becoming an independent contractor and consultant.  I initially fought prosperity and abundance because I didnt like the pruning that preceded the prosperity. But God!  All I can say is God has blessed me beyond what I could think, ask or imagine! One of my clients said "You're a free agent!" Yep, FREE agent. But I was thrown into a  freedom that I fought every step of the way. 

Side Note: The Lord says this is the season to focus on your business ideas all the more. Many of you are destined for wealth to become kingdom financiers. You won't become wealthy working for someone else. But you're playing it safe. What's in your hand? Work it. Work it while you're employed. Work it until it replaces the income from your 9-5. God has given you the power to make wealth. 

I fought against being settled in a new home because I'd not carefully planned out every step of the relocation process. Even though I didn't plan it, I'm living in a house in the area God highlighted to me in September 2020. He gave me the zip code in prayer! When I returned to the States, I initially longed to MOVE BACK into an income generating, tenant occupied condo that's too small for my growing family- which makes no sense! But I thought it was a "safe" move. 

However, God gave us the specs for our single family home in 2020. Settling for anything less is actually an act of disobedience to God! We don't know how God wants to use the land and house He showed us.  I  say "us" because, God gave the same vision (square feet, number of rooms, acreage) for OUR home to my partner even before we met! He had it written down in a journal- just like I did. 

I always say I'm a lover- not a fighter. But y'all, I fought LOVE!! 🤣 The day I got engaged, I hid the engagement ring because I didn't think the timing was right to get engaged. I knew my partner had the ring. I discerned what was in his heart to do that day. So I went into his backpack, took the ring, and hid it. Don't judge me. In my mind, we hadn't known each other long enough to get engaged. It wasn't logical. Made no sense. Yet there are at least 12 indisputable, infallible proofs that he's the one- including finding a ring that was otherwise unfindable without the assistance of the Holy Spirit. 

As I'm typing I'm hearing this in my spirit "You like being in control. You're being HUMBLED to have a right view of My SOVEREIGNTY and your LIMITATIONS. You're not in control. In order for Me to get My return on My investment in you, you must RADICALLY trust and obey me without fear, reservation or delay." Who else needs to hear that?! Read it again. 

I can speak to you from first- hand knowledge. Promotion, settlement, and fulfillment don't always look and feel like promotion, settlement, and fulfillment at the onset. Let go!  Let God!! Walk in abundance, settlement and fulfillment!!!

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Five Dimensions of Consecration and Holiness

There are five major areas for which we should seek God’s consecration (sanctification, dedication, blessing, hallowing). These are Birthright, Office, Community, Time and Land. Your birthright are things that are due to you simply based on your birth, or birth order.  You have birthrights attached to your natural lineage and your rebirth in Christ Jesus.  You have rights of citizenship based on where you were born or where your parents were born.  You have inheritance rights to property owned by parents or others. Above all- you are a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven.  The enemy will try to rob you of your birthrights. 

An office is a position of authority of service.  We can occupy the position of daughter, sister, mother, wife, Prophet, employee, employer, etc.  There are rights, responsibilities and blessings attached to offices.  There are also curses, negative cycles and patterns attached to offices.  For example, the first son usually gets a “double portion” of his father’s inheritance.  But the first son often has huge responsibilities that weigh on him spiritually, mentally, emotionally, financially, etc.  If not managed well by relying upon the grace of God, first sons often grow weary in their well-doing and crumble under the burden of responsibilities.  First sons in many developing countries often die prematurely due to the stress and burdens related to their office of first son. 

A community is a social unit with commonality such as place, norms, culture, religion, values, customs, or identity.  Our first community is our family of origin.  Community also includes but is not limited to extended family, ethnic group, church family, etc. God is intentional.  God has a purpose and plan for each individual, family and social unit within the earth and world system.  He places a mandate and calling on these units.  God releases gifts, graces, anointings and blessings upon these units to do that which they're called to do.  The enemy always tries to counter what God does.  So there are also curses, negative cycles and patterns assigned to social units that are enforced by demonic powers. 

One of the tools the enemy uses to enforce curses, negative cycles and patterns within a social unit is a strong man.  Mark 3:27 says “No man can enter into a strong man’s house, and spoil his goods, except he will first bind the strong man; and then he will spoil his house.”  According to Evangelist Joshua Orekhie, a strongman is an agent of darkness. A strongman is a demon that steals, kills, destroys, oppresses, delays and frustrates a person’s destiny. He’s an enemy of your progress, success, and breakthrough. In every family, there is a principality that torments them. For example, if you discover in some families, there is always marital delay, poverty, suffering, barrenness, miscarriage, demotion afflicting them, know that there is a strongman that is enforcing these symptoms into the line of that family. Foundational strongman needs to be destroyed with deliverance prayers.”

Time is a unit of measurement for actions, processes, conditions which succeed one another from past, through present, and to future to fulfill our destiny and calling in the earth.  Time is a unit of destiny.  Our time can be blessed.  It can be cursed by time wasters which cause our actions, processes, conditions and events to be unfruitful and unprofitable.  Too often we think of the devour eating away at money or health.  But the devour can waste time.  The Book of Joel promises restoration of time that has been wasted by devouring spirits.   

Land is the terrestrial surface of Earth not submerged by the ocean or another body of water. This could be your personal property, a town, city, state, region, country, continent.  The Land can be blessed.  It can be cursed.  It can be polluted.  It keeps score.  It testifies for or against people, places and things.  The land can be used as a point of contact to speak blessings or curses over people, places and things which come into contact with the terrestrial plane in any location in the earth. An herbalist in a village in Ogun State Nigeria can step onto the soil and use it as a point of contact to perform a ritual against someone in NYC.  A woman of God can step onto the soil in McDonough, GA and use it as a point of contact to speak blessings, life and favor over members of the Body of Christ in China.  Using points of contact has the same effect as the actual laying on of hands.