Monday, February 22, 2021

Guard Your Heart

Matters of the Heart

"Watch over your heart with all diligence, For from it flow the springs of life."- Prov 4:23 AMP
In this verse, heart is the Hebrew word levav. It's the most commonly used word for heart in the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament). It includes our thoughts, our will, our discernment, and our affections. So what are a few strategies to  guard your heart?  Pluck up weeds from the garden of your soul. Quickly dislodge arrows of offense from your mind, heart and inner most being. Consider seeing a counselor or therapist. 

A dear sister, friend,  and woman of God taught me the power of  performing the prophetic demonstration of pulling arrows and daggers out of the body and soul by faith as led by God's Spirit. Trauma which could be the result of an offense committed against you can pierce the body and soul like an arrow or knife. As you perform the prophetic demonstration of pulling the knives, daggers, and arrows out of your back, heart, gut, soul, etc., pray. Ask God to grant you the grace to forgive. Ask God to release healing into your body and soul. Pray that the shalom (peace, healing, wellness, restoration) of God permeate your soul to guard your heart and mind from further injury. Ask God to restore your  body and soul. 

Do not allow  bitterness or anything else that's not of God that entered in through trauma to take root in your heart, grow and bear fruit. Don't allow wounds to go untreated, get infected and develop spiritual sepsis.  Spiritual sepsis can cause organ failure and death. Unresolved trauma, untreated wounds which resulted from an offense against you, and the resulting toxins of bitterness, anger, unforgiveness, and  resentment can literally and figuratively cause organ failure and death. 

When we're wounded we MUST be intentional about praising and worshipping God, fasting, praying, asking God for wisdom to respond to the world around us and the people in it. Rest in God. Don't try to fix anything, defend yourself or put anyone in check. Dont even try to explain why you're feeling what you're feeling to anyone except God and your counselor or therapist

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

The Redeemer Knows Your Name

The Kinsman Redeemer Knows Your Name! I love Tasha Cobb's song "You Know My Name!" This song has lyrics that tell  Truth found in Scripture. 

In Isaiah 43:1-7 we see that Jacob was created, but Israel was formed.   God is the one who changes our character and nature (Gen. 32:28).
Sometimes  God uses adversity to do so. Psalm 34:19 tells us MANY are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers them out of them all. And sometimes the way OUT is THROUGH. God's presence as we go THROUGH the darkest valleys  is the Deliverer (Psalm 23:4). Rest assured there is no price too high for God to pay to set us free and deliver us (Rom 8:32). 

Any suffering we endure doesn't compare to the quality and quantity of glory that will be revealed in our lives (Romans 8:18) and the lives of our spiritual and natural descendants. In Isaiah 43:7  Isaiah prophesys of Israel’s restoration and foretells of a great harvest among the nations as a fulfillment of the Feast of Tabernacles. This is to be fulfilled all for God's glory. We were created  for God's glory- to bring God glory and experience God's glory (Rom. 8:30; Rev. 4:11).