Friday, October 9, 2020

My Thoughts About the Vice Presidental Debate

Harris is poised, polished and professional. She's competent, confident,  and a great communicator. It was obvious she was toeing a line. She didnt want to come across and be seen as an angry black woman. This is my life every day in a building with mostly white men. There are only three people onsite who "outrank" me. It's a delicate balance which requires prayer and wisdom. And quite frankly, sometimes its tiring 😔. 

Her smile was feigned- intended to make her look softer. She looked as if she'd stepped in whatever the fly smelled. I have this issue as well. My face always tells the story. It needs deliverance. 😅 Been this way since I was a baby. Wanna know what I'm thinking. Check out my face. No poker face over here.

Harris didn't really get at Pence like she really COULD have and WANTED to. It was painful for her to hold back. I bet you some of the things she wrote on that paper is what she REALLY wanted to say. I've been there. Done that too. Don't nothing nice be on that paper!😅. She went in not wanting to do any harm by alienating the 5% of the voters who can be swayed by a debate. 

Harris either intentionally let Pence  slide or simply missed a few opportunities to go for the jugular. Perhaps she didn't want to seem too aggresive. She was careful and measured- politically correct. The filter was VERY obvious. A large number of the American electorate doesn't respect intentionally changing one's approach not to offend. It comes across as insincerity. Right now there's a huge deal of respect for just being who you are - good, bad or ugly. Americans value those who seemingly shoot straight from the hip and heart- straight up, no chaser. 

Pence didn't answer most questions. Yet, he stirred up his base. He hit the buzz words and hot issues.  He missed no opportunity to say what his supporters wanted to hear- even if it meant he wouldn't have time to actually answer the questions. He did EXACTLY what he needed to do for this debate. He may have even picked up some of the 5% who can be swayed by seeming to be  kind, compassionate, gracious, and thoughtful. 

Don't shoot the messenger.

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Prayer Against the Coronavirus

Father, I come before You to renounce and repent for my generational line and myself for all of us who have opened the door to the Coronavirus and/or any other viral epidemic or pandemic through fear.  Lord, I acknowledge Your truth that:
Your perfect love casts out all fear, but there have been times when we have not trusted in that love. Your sacrifice on the cross is sufficient for our healing. You have told us to not be afraid because You are with us. Satan’s agenda is to create fear in order to cause destruction and pre-empt Your righteous agenda to establish Your kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. 

Lord Jesus, please cause Your blood to encapsulate every cell in my body on the physical, soul and spirit levels. Please set a watch. Guard every vulnerable opening into my body, soul, and spirit, reaching all the way down to the cellular and subcellular levels. Cause my nasal, oral, and ocular openings to be hostile to the coronavirus presence, such that every virion would die in those openings before it can enter my body. 
Cause any coronavirus that has entered my body to be rejected by my body. Cause my cells to be hostile toward infection, such that all cell receptors bar acceptance, reception, and subsequent infection. Block the receptors on my cells so that the coronavirus cannot recognize where to latch on. 
In the name of Jesus and by the power of His blood, I forbid the virus from landing on any cell receptor and the viral membranes from fusing with my cell membranes.

I ask that you, Lord, would dissolve the spikes that make up the crown of the virus, which is necessary for infection as it attempts to enter my body system.  Please de-crown the coronavirus on entry into my body system and activate my immunity to remove its remnants.

Lord, please cause my immune system to recognize the coronavirus and not be fooled by any viral mechanism that shields the virus from detection.

I forbid the ribosomes in my cells from replicating and/or translating coronavirus RNA.

I thank You, Lord Jesus, for your everlasting protection and love. I speak life and health to my body, soul, and spirit, and I claim Your promise that:

You will not fear the terror of the night nor the arrow that flies by day,  nor the pestilence that stalks in darkness, nor the destruction that wastes at noonday.  A thousand may fall at your side,  ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you. You will only look with your eyes and see the recompense of the wicked. Because you have made the Lord your dwelling place—the Most High, who is my refuge—no evil shall be allowed to befall you, no plague come near your tent.

I also declare healing to every physical and spiritual area over which God has given me authority; I declare that the coronavirus will cease and desist, for it must submit to the blood of Jesus.

Lord, please heal and protect me and all in my family line from the effects of all strains of coronavirus, including COVID-19.

[1] 1 John 4:18

[2] 1 Peter 2:24

[3] Isaiah 41:10

[4] 1 Peter 5:8

[5] Matthew 6:10

[6] Psalm 91

Source: Aslan Place Ministries.