Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Proton: Every Seed Reproduces After Its Own Kind

Próton (Strong's Concordance 4412): first, before, at the beginning, in the first place.

In every generation of every family there are those of us given the grace (divine enablement and unmerited favor) to be "the first"- first generation college graduate, first homeowner, first ordained minister, first to maintain purity until marriage, first to be elected to public office, first born, first business owner etc.

We carry a breaker, trailblazer anointing that comes with responsibilities. We must remain focused on glorifying God and lifting others as we climb. We must co-labor with God to replicate and reproduce in others what God gave us the grace to produce.

We're "the first" and cannot be satisfied with being "the only" in our lineage to attain that goal. God created us as patterns to be modeled which facilitate success of others.

There's no success without successors. I encourage you to write down every major accomplishment God allowed you to achieve first within your family or spheres of influence. Then ask God to give you wisdom, knowledge and understanding to mentor and coach others to achieve and surpass you.

For example,  I'm the first to earn a doctorate. I'm charged with raising up other doctors within my family. My desire is that unlike me they earn their degrees debt -free.